
console_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's command-line programs. If a project defines a console_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
01d61084-d29e-11e9-96d1-7c5cf84ffe8e lib1
01OS 01
0fdb5604 swerex-remote
0lever-so so
0lever-so so_install
0x-python ZeroEx
0xdirsan xdirsan
100bot 100bot
101703235-missing-val missing-val
101703272-missing-val missing-val
101703311-Missing-Data handledata
101703311-OUTLIERS outlierRemoval
101703312-outlierRemoval outlierRemoval
101703322-missing-val missing-val
101703373-topsis 101703373-topsis
101703378-project2 Project2
101703549-missing-val missing-val
102003634 topsis
102003712 topsis
102003759 topsis
102017059-Aakanksha-Topsis topsis
102103417-topsis-ojaswani topsis
102116078-topsis-py 102116078_topsis
102183051-topsis topsis
102203148-topsis topsis
102203201-simrat simtopsis
102203435-topsis topsis
102203525-TOPSIS run-topsis
102203551-square square
102203551-topsis topsis
102203584 topsis
102203774-topsis topsis
102206172-DHRUV topsis
102216005-Topsis topsis
102216095-Topsis topsis
102217006-topsis topsis
102217227-TOPSIS topsis
102218023-TEXTCONVERTOR uppercase
102218026-topsiss 102218026-topsiss
102218026upper-case-change upper-case-change
102218041-topsis topsis
102383046-topsis topsis
123tv-iptv 123tv-iptv
128Autograder build_autograder
128Autograder create_gradescope_upload
128Autograder run_autograder
128Autograder run_gradescope
128Autograder run_prairielearn
128Autograder test_my_work
1password-secrets 1password-secrets
2048 2048
2048-cli 2048-cli
2048-py 2048-py
21blackjack-gui blackjack
21cmSense sense
2267570-hw4 hw4
24p 24p
2adif 2adif
2b2t 2b2t
2b2t 2b2t.coord
2ch-downloader 2ch-downloader
2dxPlay 2dxplay
2fas 2fas
2Feeds 2feeds
2Keys 2Keys
2lazy2rest mkrst
2mp4 2mp4
2rage-brain-games brain-calc
2rage-brain-games brain-even
2rage-brain-games brain-games
2rage-brain-games brain-gcd
2rage-brain-games brain-prime
2rage-brain-games brain-progression
2rage-py-challenges lexical-analyzer
2rage-py-challenges search-methods
2to3 2to3
2wf90-assignment 2wf90
3-python-package-exercise-17 wordle-game
31213231231 sample
321 321
32blit 32blit
360monitoringcli 360monitoring
3b-bot 3b-bot
3D-registration spatial-registration
3D-registration time-registration
3debt 3debt
3DFin 3DFin
3Di-cmd-client active_simulations
3Di-cmd-client scenario
3Di-cmd-client suite
3dLitematica 3dLitematica
3lc 3lc
3ptest 3ptest
3q qqq
42-taskmaster taskmaster
42formatter x42format
42towels towel
43242342342 sample
4711 4711