
console_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's command-line programs. If a project defines a console_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
jury jury
just just
just-another-imgscrapper imgscrapper
just-compose jcompose
just-crap crap
just-heic just_heic
just-rename just-rename just-sh just_sh pyjust
just-start just-start-term
just-start just-start-urwid
just-update-arch just_update_arch
just4fun affirmations
just4fun copypasta
just4fun magic_8_ball
just4fun make_me_laugh
justautomate just
justautomate justautomate
justdb justdb
justfunctions sample
justgood realpython
justhacking justhacking
justic justic
justice justice
justmerge justmerge
justone justone
justpath justpath
justpath pathit
justsendmail justsendmail
justunzip justunzip
JustUpdate justupdate
jut jut
jutge-heartbeat jutge-heartbeat
jutge-heartbeat jutge-heartbeat-listener
jutge-joapuiib check_repo
jutge-joapuiib grade_repo
jutge-monitor jutge-monitor
jutge-relayer jutge-relayer
jutge-toolkit jutge-available-compilers
jutge-toolkit jutge-code-metrics
jutge-toolkit jutge-compilers
jutge-toolkit jutge-make-problem
jutge-toolkit jutge-make-quiz
jutge-toolkit jutge-start
jutsu jutsu
Juwel juwel
Juwell juwel
jv jv
Jvav jvav
jvc-proxy jvc_proxy
jvig jvig
jvirtualenv jvirtualenv
jvm-bizhi-bihui JvmBizhiBihui
jvm-bizhi-bihui jvm-bizhi-bihui
jvmcoredump-gczuczy jvmcoredump
jvmcoredump-gczuczy jvmcoresyms
jvn jovian
jvstats jvstats
jw-download jw
jw-plyflatten jw_plyflatten
jw-rpcm jw_rpcm
jwa jwa
jwblack cblack
jweb jw_img
jwin jwin
jwl-rpcm jwl_rpcm
jwrite jwrite
jws2txt jws2txt
jwst_backgrounds jwst_backgrounds
jwst-gtvt create_ephemeris
jwst-gtvt delete_cache
jwst-gtvt jwst_gtvt
jwst-gtvt jwst_mtvt
jwst-novt novt
jwst-novt serve_novt
jwt_apns_client jwt_apns_client
jwt-kms test
jwt-postgresql-proxy jwt-postgresql-proxy
jwt-smithy smithy
jwtserver upgradehead
jx-argparse jx_print_args
jx-argparse jx_xml_print_args
jxctl jxctl
jxl2txt jxl2txt
jydwd jydwd
jyg jupyter-jyg
jyg jyg
JYOU jyou
jznsearch jznsearch
jzou zou
jzp jzp
K-AIKO kaiko
K-lity klity
K-lity klity-newproject
k-load k-load
k-peg-hanoi hanoi
k0dasm k0dasm