
distutils.commands entry points are used by setuptools to add new commands to setup.py scripts made with setuptools.setup(). If a project defines a distutils.commands entry point named foo that points to a subclass of setuptools.Command, then once the project is installed, users will be able to run python setup.py foo to run the custom command. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
morphi update_catalog
movie-downloader clean
needles bdist_needles
nexus_uploader nexus_upload
Nitrous docs
nose nosetests
nose-py3 nosetests
npe2 npe2_compile
Nuitka-fixed bdist_nuitka
Nuitka-fixed build_nuitka
Nuitka-fixed install_nuitka
Nuitka-winsvc bdist_nuitka
Nuitka-winsvc build_nuitka
Nuitka-winsvc install_nuitka
openalea.deploy alea_install
openalea.deploy alea_upload
openalea.deploy clean
openalea.deploy cmake
openalea.deploy create_namespaces
openalea.deploy egg_upload
openalea.deploy pylint
openalea.deploy scons
openalea.deploy upload_sphinx
pbbt pbbt
pex bdist_pex
pip-pin pin
pip-pin sync
Plux plugins
powerkube-fork clean
powerline-inject clean
prebuilt-binaries prebuilt_binary
pretix-adyen build
pretix-bitpay build
pretix-bounces build
pretix-closer2event build
pretix-computop build
pretix-covid-certificates build
pretix-cwa build
pretix-dbvat build
pretix-fattura-elettronica build
pretix-matrix-inviter build
pretix-modirum build
pretix-mollie build
pretix-mtn-momo build
pretix-oppwa build
pretix-order-checkin build
pretix-pages build
pretix-passbook build
pretix-payone build
pretix-quickpay build
pretix-saferpay build
pretix-secuconnect build
pretix-sepadebit build
pretix-servicefees build
pretix-signature-question-2 build
pretix-sofort build
pretix-stay22 build
pretix-sumup-payment build
pretix-wallets build
Products.DCWorkflow ftest
protobuf-custom-build protobuf-custom-build
protobuf-distutils generate_py_protobufs
protobuf-grpc-distutils generate_grpc_py_protobufs
protobufferize protobufferize
pulsar bench
pulsar linux_wheels
pulsar pulsar_test
pulsar s3_upload
pup-tools release
py2app py2app
pyassembly pyassembly
pyfindvs enable_msbuildcompiler
pypi-parker park
pyspark-hnsw clean
pytest-runner ptr
pytest-runner pytest
python-embedded-launcher bdist_launcher
python-for-android aab
python-for-android aar
python-for-android apk
pyversion increment
pyversion tag
pyversion3 increment
pyversion3 tag
quaerere-base-client build_sphinx
quaerere-base-common build_sphinx
quaerere-base-flask build_sphinx
quaerere-columbia-common build_sphinx
quaerere-willamette build_sphinx
quaerere-willamette-client build_sphinx
quaerere-willamette-common build_sphinx
refrigerant bdist_bbfreeze
reno build_reno
robotslacker-sqlcli lint
robotslacker-sqlcli test
robotslacker-sqlcli-noodbc lint
robotslacker-sqlcli-noodbc test
robotslacker-testcli lint
robotslacker-testcli test
sap-ai-core-datarobot whitesource_update