
distutils.commands entry points are used by setuptools to add new commands to setup.py scripts made with setuptools.setup(). If a project defines a distutils.commands entry point named foo that points to a subclass of setuptools.Command, then once the project is installed, users will be able to run python setup.py foo to run the custom command. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
scikit-build-core build_cmake
sdist_check sdist_check
setupext-gitversion git_version
setupext-janitor clean
setupext-pip requirements
setupmeta check
setupmeta cleanall
setupmeta entrypoints
setupmeta explain
setupmeta version
setuptools alias
setuptools bdist_egg
setuptools bdist_rpm
setuptools build
setuptools build_clib
setuptools build_ext
setuptools build_py
setuptools develop
setuptools dist_info
setuptools easy_install
setuptools editable_wheel
setuptools egg_info
setuptools install
setuptools install_egg_info
setuptools install_lib
setuptools install_scripts
setuptools rotate
setuptools saveopts
setuptools sdist
setuptools setopt
setuptools test
setuptools upload_docs
setuptools-antlr antlr
setuptools.autocythonize cythonize
setuptools-black format
setuptools-changelog changelog
setuptools-docker bdist_docker
setuptools-download install_setuptools_download
setuptools-download setuptools_download
setuptools-freeze inno
setuptools-freeze pyinstaller
setuptools-gettext build_mo
setuptools-gettext clean_mo
setuptools-gettext install_mo
setuptools-gettext update_pot
setuptools-gitver egg_info
setuptools-grpc build_grpc
setuptools-lint lint
setuptools-metadata metadata
setuptools-npm npm_install
setuptools-npm npm_run
setuptools-odoo editable_wheel
setuptools-pep660 editable_wheel
setuptools-pkg bdist_pkg
setuptools-proto build_proto
setuptools-protobuf build_protobuf
setuptools-protobuf clean_protobuf
setuptools-pyecore pyecore
setuptools-pyproject-migration pyproject
setuptools-rust build_rust
setuptools-rust clean_rust
setuptools-rust-tomlgen tomlgen_rust
setuptools-scrutinize scrutinize
setuptools_trial trial
setuptools-twine twine_check
setuptools-twine twine_upload
smoke_test bdist_pex
sphinx-swagger swagger
sphinxgen sphinxgen
sprockets.http httprun
testrepository testr
uberegg bdist_uberegg
urestapi lint
urestapi test
usql lint
usql test
venvtools venv
wheel bdist_wheel
wheel-axle bdist_axle
xar bdist_xar
zapp bdist_zapp
zope.testrunner ftest