
egg_info.writers entry points are used by setuptools to create files in <project>.egg-info/ subdirectories in projects & sdists and EGG-INFO/ directories in eggs. If a project defines an egg_info.writers entry point named foo that points to a function, then once the project is installed, running python egg_info will create a file named foo in <project>.egg-info/ whose contents are created by the given function. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
calmjs calmjs_module_registry.txt
calmjs extras_calmjs.json
calmjs package.json
calmjs.bower bower.json
calmjs.sassy calmjs_scss_module_registry.txt
calmjs.sassy extras_calmjs_scss.json
codestare-msg-compiler proto_package.txt
git-versiointi historia.json
omniblack.setup omniblack_package.json
openalea.deploy bin_dirs.txt
openalea.deploy inc_dirs.txt
openalea.deploy lib_dirs.txt
openalea.deploy postinstall_scripts.txt
openide openide.yaml
otumat .pub
otumat .sig
PasteScript paster_plugins.txt
pbr pbr.json
pbrlgs pbr.json
pip-pin develop_requires.txt
pip-pin tests_require.txt
Plux plux.json
rcli rcli-config.json
reahl-component-metadata reahl-component.toml
setuptools PKG-INFO
setuptools dependency_links.txt
setuptools eager_resources.txt
setuptools entry_points.txt
setuptools namespace_packages.txt
setuptools requires.txt
setuptools top_level.txt
setuptools-certificate .pub
setuptools-certificate .sig
setuptools-version-command version.txt
setuptools-version-command version_full.txt