
gui_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's GUI programs. If a project defines a gui_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
fibomat beam_simulation
fijiconvert fijiconvert
fime fime
Finger-balabolka finger_balabolka
five-timer five-timer
flannel flannel
flent flent-gui
fleter fleter-demo
flopferret flopferret
FlowTutor flowtutor
flpinspect flpinspect
flyer-composer flyer-composer-gui
fnschool fnschool-gui
fonttoolsWB fonttoolswb
formiko formiko
formiko formiko-vim
FotoKilof fotokilof
four-letter-blocks four_letter_blocks
FoxDotEditor FoxDotEditor
fprime-gds fprime-gds
fprime-visual fprime-visual
framework16-inputmodule ledmatrixgui
FreeSimpleGUI fsghelp
FreeSimpleGUI fsgissue
FreeSimpleGUI fsgmain
FreeSimpleGUI fsgsettings
FreeSimpleGUI fsgupgrade
FreeSimpleGUI fsgver
FreeTVG-karjakak TVG
fritzbox-tray fritzbox-tray
functino functino
fyler fyler
galacteek galacteek
galassify galassify
galaxies galaxies_gui
gamest gamest
gdpy3 gdpy3-gui
GearMess-client gui_client
genxword genxword-gtk
get-spotlights get-spotlights-gui
Gifu gifu
gistPipeline Mapviewer
gistPipeline gistPlot_gas
gistPipeline gistPlot_kin
gistPipeline gistPlot_lambdar
gistPipeline gistPlot_ls
gistPipeline gistPlot_sfh
git-annex-metadata-gui git-annex-metadata-gui
gitalong gitalong-gui
gitbuilding gitbuilding-gui
glassesValidator glassesValidator
GloPel GloPel
GloPel glopel
gltfloupe gltfloupe
glue-core-for-glue-genes glue
glue-qt glue
glueather glueather
glyxtoolms glyxtoolms
gns3-gui gns3
gns3-webclient-pack gns3-webclient-config
gns3-webclient-pack gns3-webclient-launcher
grascii-gui grascii-gui
gshogi gshogi
gsystemctl gsystemctl
gtimelog gtimelog
gui-executor gui-executor
guidata guidata-tests
guiqwt guiqwt-tests
guiqwt sift
guiqwt303 guiqwt303-tests-py3
guiqwt303 sift-py3
gxps gxps
h3sed h3sed
hab-gui habw
hachoir hachoir-wx
halo-weather halo-weather
hamster-gtk hamster-gtk
happyfeat happyfeat
Happypanda happypanda
haven-spc firefly
haven-spc firefly_cameras
hdf_compass HDFCompass
hdf5view hdf5view
hdob hdob
Hershey-Fonts HersheyFonts_demo
hi-getter hi_getter
hifiscan hifiscan
Hikyuu HikyuuTDX
hit-acs hit_acs
hpimon hpimon
hrpdrebin rebin-gui
hue_plus hue_ui
hyperspyUI hyperspyui
HyperStackView hyperstackview
hypnotoad hypnotoad-gui
image-sorting-tool image-sorting-tool
img2pdf img2pdf-gui
imgtotxt imgtotxt
incolumepy.utils baz
indiek-gui indiek-gui