
gui_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's GUI programs. If a project defines a gui_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
infi.recipe.console-scripts gui-script-test
InputScope inputscope
instagramreport instagramreport
interference-calculator interference_calculator
intxr intxr.gui
iocontrol iocontrol
Ion-networks ion_networks_gui
ipmlab ipmlab
ipmlab ipmlab-configure
iris-ued iris
iromlab iromlab
iromlab iromlab-configure
ismrmrdviewer ismrmrdviewer
isocor isocor
ispy2-mri ispy2-mri
itango itango3-qt
itaxotools-convphase-gui convphase-gui
itaxotools-haplodemo haplodemo
itaxotools-spart-parser SpartParserGui
itaxotools-taxi-gui taxi-gui
iTint itint
itkdb-gtk createShipments
itkdb-gtk getShipments
itkdb-gtk glueWeight
itkdb-gtk groundVITests
itkdb-gtk iploadPetalInformation
itkdb-gtk itkdb_dashBoard
itkdb-gtk uploadModuleIV
itkdb-gtk uploadMultipleTests
itkdb-gtk uploadTest
itkdb-gtk wirebondTest
jdAnimatedImageEditor jdanimatedimageeditor
jdAppStreamEdit jdappstreamedit
jdAppStreamEdit jdappstreamedit-external-releases-editor
jdDBusDebugger jddbusdebugger
jdDesktopEntryEdit jdDesktopEntryEdit
jdDiff jddiff
jdEolConverter jdeolconverter
jdFlatpakSnapshot jdflatpaksnapshot
jdMacroPlayer jdmacroplayer
jdMrpackInstaller jdmrpackinstaller
jdNBTExplorer jdNBTExplorer
jdProcessFileWatcher jdprocessfilewatcher
jdReplace jdReplace
jdSimpleAutostart jdsimpleautostart
jdTextEdit jdTextEdit
jgb-editor jgb-editor
jiraburnupanddown jiraburnupanddown
JPong jpong
jpydict jpydict
jsl-pathfinder pathfinder
json-plugin-mgr plugin-mgr
jwst-coronagraph-visibility jwst-coronagraph-visibility-gui
jwst-footprints jwst_footprints
KelpMark kelpmark
keyctl keyctlgui
KEyes keyes
keygen-yocto keygen
keys-manager keys
keys-manager keys-config
keys-yocto keys-yocto
kicad-backannotate kicad_backannotate_gui
kite spool
kite talpa
kitsupublisher kitsupublisher
kitti360Scripts kitti360Viewer
Klotski klotski
klustaviewa klustaviewa
knossos knossos
koalafolio koalafolio
kode256 code128w
kombilo kombilo
kombilo v
kommiter kommiter
kryptal kryptal
labelmaker labelmaker
labrat labrat
larray-editor larray-editor
lavavu LV
lavavu LavaVu
lcmap-tap lcmap_tap
leidian spam-gui
lemuria lemuria
lets-connect-client lets-connect-client
letsconnect-client letsconnect-client
libHREELS viewauger
libHREELS viewhreels
libresvip libresvip-gui
libssa libssa-gui
libstored libstored-gui
libstored libstored-visu
lights lightsw
lindworm lindworm.ldmStorageFolderFrm
line-profiler-gui lineprofilergui
LinkChecker-GUI linkchecker-gui
lumparser lumparser
lyberry-qt lyberry-qt
lyse lyse-gui
maddaq analyze_data
maddaq getFileInfo