
pytest11 entry points are used by pytest to register pytest plugins. If a project defines a pytest11 entry point that points to a module containing one or more pytest hook functions, then once the project is installed, pytest will automatically load the plugin module and execute its hooks. See the pytest documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
nats-tools nats
natsapi natsapi
nbconvert-a11y axe
nbconvert-a11y vnu
nbmake nbmake
nbsmoke nbsmoke
nbval nbval
nengo nengo
networktest networktest
nodeps git-pytest
nonebot-plugin-send-anything-anywhere-nonebug saa_nonebug
nonebug nonebug
nonebug-saa saa_nonebug
nose-detecthttp detecthttp
nose-knows knows
nose2pytest pytest_nose_assert_tools
noseOfYeti nose_of_yeti
nostalgiaforever pytest-nostalgia
npe2 npe2
nucypher pytest-nucypher
nuka nuka
nulink-web3 pytest_ethereum
nuts nuts
nydok nydok
octogaming-apiist pytest_apiist
odl odl_plugins
odoo-find-runbot-instance odoo-find-runbot-instance
onaji onaji
open-aea-web3 pytest_ethereum
open-alchemy.package-database open_alchemy_package_database
open-alchemy.package-security open_alchemy_package_security
openai-responses openai_responses
opinions opinions
ostorlab pytest_ostorlab
otel-extensions-pytest otel_extensions_pytest
overhave overhave
owmeta-pytest-plugin owmeta_core_fixtures
pactman-patched pactman-verifier
palladium palladium
parasolr parasolr
patreon-pytest-circleci circleci
penguins-pytest-docker lovely_pytest_docker
pepino-bdd pepino
pg-docker pg_docker
phill pyside6
phill pyside6_qtgui
phill pyside6_qtwidgets
phytest phytest
pike-smb2 pike
pistar pistar-pytest
pkgcore pkgcore
pkgcraft pkgcraft pytest_platon
ploy ploy_pytest_plugin
pmxbot pmxbot core
podspy podspy
poorconn poorconn
populllus ethereum
populus ethereum
postmarker postmark
pramen-py pramen_py
project-config project-config-tester
prommis known_issues
prysk-windows prysk
pulp-ansible pulp_ansible
pulpcore pulp_certguard
pulpcore pulp_file
pulpcore pulpcore
pxk pxk
py-ops pyops
pyApp pyapp-pytest
pyfakefs pytest_fakefs
pygears pytest_pygears
pyhedy-current pyhedy_current
pykiso pytest_kiso
pylama pylama
pylava pylava
pymtl3 pytest-pymtl3
PyPCOM pypcom_state_repr
pypi-foreverchaos-test pytest_demo
pyramid_sqlalchemy pyramid_sqlalchemy
pyshot pyshot
pysnap pysnap
pysoa pysoa_test_fixtures
pysoa pysoa_test_plan
pyspock spock
pytedjmi pytedjmi
pytest-abq abq
pytest-abstracts abstracts
pytest-accept accept
pytest-adaptavist adaptavist
pytest-adaptavist-fixed adaptavist
pytest-adf adf
pytest-adf-azure-identity adf
pytest-aggreport aggreport
pytest-ai1899 dependency
pytest-aio aio
pytest-aiofiles aiofiles
pytest-aiohttp aiohttp
pytest-aiohttp-client pytest_aiohttp_client