- zktool — A sample Python project
- zktop — top for Apache ZooKeeper
- zktraffic — ZooKeeper protocol analyzer and stats gathering daemon
- zku — Zymkey utilities
- zkumstad — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zkvvm — zkVyper version manager
- zkw-z — A small example package
- zkygr-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr2-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkygr3-artifactory-cleanup — Rules and cleanup policies for Artifactory
- zkyhaxpy — A swiss-knife Data Science package for python
- zkyutils — 自用python工具类
- zla-class — zla_class for get wholesale and retails sale
- zla-forecast — zla_fcst for get picture
- zlai — A LLM Agent Python package.
- zlapi — zlapi: Zalo API for Python
- zlc — package
- zlcollector — This is a method library that I wrote for zhulong_spiders.
- zlcy — package
- zlcython — zlcython
- zlczh — publish AutoFormula to pypi.
- zlepy — Toolkit for integer-linear-eigenvalue matrix generation and evaluation.
- zlgcan-driver-py — Python wrapper for zlgcan-driver-rs.
- zlgsendcan — zlg send canmsg
- zlib-compress — no summary
- zlib-decompress — no summary
- zlib-fast — A wrapper to use the fastest available zlib
- zlib-ng — Drop-in replacement for zlib and gzip modules using zlib-ng
- zlib-state — Low-level interface to the zlib library that enables capturing the decoding state
- zlibrary — Unofficial Z-Library API
- zlibrary-module — A Python Module that can search books and Give links
- zlibsanitizer — A Python library to sanitize text by removing unwanted labels like (Z-Library)
- zlibtui — Terminal user interface for Z-library
- zlicutils — A library for shared classes and functionalities in the ZLiC project.
- zlig — Binary wheel support based on Flit.
- zljmail — Add a short description here!
- zlkpo — some tools
- zll — my ssh client
- zlliu — A test package
- zlliutest — A test package
- ZLLRP — ZLLRP Protocol
- zlm — Simplify and improve your job hunting experience by integrating LLMs to automate tasks such as resume and cover letter generation, as well as application submission, saving users time and effort.
- zlmdb — Object-relational zero-copy in-memory database layer for LMDB.
- zlocated-central-repo-updater — The tool to update the central repository of the ZLocated DNSMasq project.
- zlodziej-crawler — no summary
- zLOG — A general logging facility
- zlogger — 对logging进行二次封装, 操作更简单
- zlogging — zlogging: Bro/Zeek logging framework for Python.
- zlogin — Zerodha Login Automation - Selenium Based
- zlogo — no summary
- zloipassgen-pkg-Zlomorda — Zloi (and Evil) password generator
- zlsender — My short description for my project.
- zlsnasdisplay — no summary
- zltk — A collection of commonly used functions.
- zlutils — a package of utils
- zlx — Zalmoxis - module for text and binary manipulation
- zlx7.6 — A small example package
- zly-resource — resource SDK for Python
- zly-resource-module — DingTalk SDK for Python
- zm-au — Auto-updater for programs
- zm-py — A loose python wrapper around the ZoneMinder REST API.
- zmag — Craft Network APIs with ZeroMQ and GraphQL
- zmail — Zmail makes it easier to send and retrieve emails in python3.
- zmake — A Make/ninja-build file generator from Kconfig/YAML config files
- zmanim — A Zmanim library for Python
- zmapg — ZMap GUI application for zmap-cli tool
- zmapio — Python library for reading and writing map gridded data using ZMAP Plus ASCII Grid format
- zmathlib — This package helps to do maths by Zan X Technologies
- zmats — no summary
- zmazino — Modern utils library
- zmc — Zeta Mission Control python library
- zmcat — A simple command line tool to test ZMQ push/pull/pub/sub sockets. Based on
- ZMCintegral — An easy way to use multi-GPUs to calculate multi-dimensional integration
- zmctools — tools
- zmeiapi — Useful tools to work with Zmei calculation code
- zmemory — zen memory library
- zmesh — Multilabel marching cubes and simplification of volumetric data.
- zmeyweb — Application for schedule and monitor workflows
- zmfcli — Command line wrapper for ChangeMan ZMF Rest API
- zmha-py — no summary
- zmipc — A zero-copy memory-sharing IPC on the top of mmap
- zmk — A command line program to help set up ZMK Firmware
- ZMKX — Python client for ZMKX
- zml — zero markup language
- zmon-cli — Command line interface for Zalando's monitoring tool ZMON
- zmon-worker — ZMON Worker Monitor
- zmongo — 封装的mongo连接器
- zmongo-filter — Mongo Filter for ReferenceField - EmbeddedDocumentField
- Zmoshpdf — no summary
- zmote — Unofficial interface
- zmp — A few helpful python modules
- ZMPY3D — no summary
- ZMPY3D-CP — no summary
- ZMPY3D-PT — no summary
- ZMPY3D-TF — no summary
- zmq-ai-client-python — A ZMQ client interface for llama server
- zmq-client-server — Python ZMQ Client/Server Wrapper
- zmq-lightweight-messaging — Lightweight messaging framework based on ZMQ
- zmq-message-patterns — Library to quickly build ZeroMQ based applications.
- zmq-plugin — A spoke-hub plugin framework, using 0MQ backend.