- ZvArithmetic5 — Official Zv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvi — Zorroa Visual Intelligence ML Environment
- zvi-client — Zorroa Visual Intelligence Python Client
- zvideo — zen video library
- zviz — Visualize the progress of your torch.
- zvm — A virtual stack machine that executes Python code based on instructions provided in a JSON file.
- zvma10-api-wrapper — Python SDK for working with Zerto 10 ZVMA
- zVMCloudConnector — z/VM cloud management library in Python
- zvolv-sdk — The Zvolv API Platform SDK for Python
- ZvolvArithmetic — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvolvArithmetic5 — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvolvArithmeticz1 — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvolvArithmeticzz — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvolvAuth — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvolvAuthAPI — Official Zvolv Arithmetic Python SDK
- zvt — no summary
- zvtm — unified,modular quant framework for mysql
- zvtplus — no summary
- zvukogram — Asynchronous ZvukoGram API wrapper
- zw-fast-quantile-py — no summary
- ZW-geo — Library for Digital Architecture
- zw-outliersdetec — A small outliers-detection package
- zwack — zwackkk
- zwave-js-server-python — Python wrapper for zwave-js-server
- zwave-me-ws — Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me
- zwave-ws — Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me
- zwcef — Person CEF spider
- zwdb — Personal Database Wrapper.
- zwdoc — Personal Python Utilities
- zwdocs — Personal Document Utilities
- zwedu-student-etl — zunwen education student etl job
- zweifach — Custom integration for django-otp package
- zweig — Utilities for dealing with the ast module
- zWell-model — Deep learning model adapter, used to quickly create various deep learning models.
- zwembad — Parallel MPIPoolExecutor implementing the concurrent.futures interface
- zwende — Zero width character encoder/decoder.
- zwf — Tools for Zwift WAD files
- zWhite — no summary
- zwholder — Zero-width character placeholder.
- zwi — Zwift data explorations.
- zwift-client — Zwift Mobile API client.
- zwift-workouts-parser — A package that allows you to download workouts from
- zwiftpktmon — A Python port of the C# ZwiftPacketMonitor project which monitors Zwift UDP packets
- zwitutils — no summary
- zwixel-pwack — no summary
- zwj-Pypi — no summary
- zwjhello — no summary
- zwjira — A JIRA workflow automation toolset for personal use
- zwkit — zwhy kit for python
- zwlib — ZwLib is a package that provides a series of utility functions for Convo studio, HyperPM, and AIForYou products.
- zwnet — Personal Network Utilities
- zwnlp — Personal NLP task utils.
- zwnlptk — Personal nlp utils.
- zwoasi — Python binding for the ZWO ASI v2 library.
- zwocr — Personal Python OCR Utilities
- zwog — Zwift workout generator
- zwolang — Python toolkit for the ZWO minilang
- zword — 从维基百科抽取中文语料
- zwpool — Personal Pool utils.
- zwpy — 用中文写python代码
- zwpy2js — zwpy2js,测试中。。。
- zwpython — 用中文写python代码
- zwt5 — A silly package
- zwtk — Personal Python Utilities
- zwutils — Personal Python Utilities
- zww-test-package — 测试代码调用
- zx-config-manager — zx-config-manager is a tool for managing configuration files.
- zx-openmc — This is a solution to the OpenMC benchmark
- zx81p2wav — Minimalistic ZX81 p-file to wav converter
- zxarray — Interface to 'zarr' similar to 'xarray'
- ZXbacktesting — <back testing system>
- zxbasic — Boriel's ZX BASIC Compiler
- zxc — 1000-7 calculyator
- zxcdsaweercvvv — 这是第一个对外发布的模块,测试哦
- zxcv — A Python package to play tic tac toe
- zxcvbn — no summary
- zxcvbn-py3 — Password strength estimator
- zxcvbn-rs-py — Python bindings for zxcvbn-rs, the Rust implementation of zxcvbn
- zxext — zhixuewang库的扩展包
- zxf-module — 简单的加减运算上传测试
- ZxFade — A Python package to make your programs easy to use and nice to look at
- zxftools — 工具包
- ZXHT-AutoTest — ZXHT_AutoTest/sweetest
- zxhtom — 个人python工具包
- zxing — Wrapper for decoding/reading barcodes with ZXing (Zebra Crossing) library
- zxing-cpp — Python bindings for the zxing-cpp barcode library
- zxing-tkinter-utils — tkinter实用工具
- zxingmod — wrapper for zebra crossing (zxing) barcode library
- zxj-portal-gun — no summary
- zxkane.cdk-construct-simple-nat — A CDK construct to build Simple NAT instance on AWS.
- zxl — for love
- zxlive — An interactive tool for the ZX-calculus
- zxmtools — no summary
- zxp2gus — Convert ZX Paintbrush files to GuSprites ZXBasic code
- zxpath — 操作更方便的xpath, 使用方法类似于Beautiful Soup4, 但是比他更快速
- zxpath2 — 操作更方便的xpath
- zxpy — Shell scripts made simple
- ZxSci — 一个帮助理工科本科学生进行简化计算的库
- zxshareProject — A simple test
- zxt — A handy toolkit