Reverse Dependencies of colorama
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorama:
- 0xdirsan — 0xdirsan is a simple program designed to search for directories within the file system using brute-force with a given list of words.
- 10dulkar17-s3-aws — Python library for dashboard
- 2rage-brain-games — 2rage-brain-games is a set of console-based brain games built in Python. Each game provides a different mental challenge, ranging from calculations and number theory to recognition of even numbers. The project includes games like 'brain-even', 'brain-calc', 'brain-gcd', 'brain-progression', and 'brain-prime'. Test your mental agility and have fun with this collection of games!
- 2rage-py-challenges — Some python challenges
- a-logger — A simple logger
- aamp-app — AAMP App
- aardwolf — Asynchronous RDP protocol implementation
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- abalone-boai — A Python implementation of the board game intended to be played by artificial intelligence
- abbr-cli — A command-line tool to look up abbreviations for terms (and the reverse).
- abk-bwp — Bing wallpaper wrapper
- abletoolz — Tools made for editing, fixing and analyzing Ableton Live sets.
- absfuyu — A small collection of code
- absorb — The extensible, feature-rich CLI workspace.
- ABSQL — A rendering engine for templated SQL
- abstra — Abstra Lib
- absurdia — Python bindings for the Absurdia API
- abuseACL — List vulnerable ACL.
- acdcli — a command line interface and FUSE filesystem for Amazon Cloud Drive
- acit1515 — Tests and utilities for ACIT 1515
- acordes — how to play a chord on a stringed instrument
- acrv-datasets — Datasets manager for the Best of ACRV
- acsoo — Acsone Odoo Dev Tools
- acsploit — A tool for generating worst-case inputs for algorithms
- actorch — Deep reinforcement learning framework for fast prototyping based on PyTorch
- actyon — Actyon offers an async approach on a multiplexed flux pattern.
- adabelief-pytorch — PyTorch implementation of AdaBelief Optimizer
- adabelief-tf — Tensorflow implementation of AdaBelief Optimizer
- adansons-base — Adansons Base
- add-testing — A sample testing app
- addepar-redflag — RedFlag uses AI to identify high-risk code changes. Run it in batch mode for release candidate testing or in CI pipelines to flag PRs and add reviewers. RedFlag's flexible configuration makes it valuable for any team.
- addrmatcher — Australian Address Matcher to Regions
- adeploy — Universal deployment tool for Kubernetes that supports rendering and deployment of lightweight Jinja templated k8s manifests as well as complex Helm charts.
- adeso — Application for Decryption, Encryption and Steganographic Operations
- adhesive — adhesive
- adhesive-zeebe — adhesive fork with support for Zeebe XML extension
- adicity — A fixed-arity high level functional programming language engine.
- adiskreader-secretsdump — Secretsdump module for adiskreader
- adnd2e-combat-simulator — A tool to simulate combat in AD&D 2nd Edition
- aegis-web3-cli — no summary
- aeon-agents — LiveKit Python Agents
- aerarium — A CLI tool to track finances
- aeroot — Android Emulator Rooting system
- AerozOff — Lobby bot.
- aesedb — NTDS parser toolkit
- aeskeyschedule — Tool to calculate the Rijndael key schedule given any AES-128 round key.
- affine-gaps — Numba-accelerated Python implementation of affine gap penalty extensions for Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman algorithms
- agbenchmark — Benchmarking the performance of agents far and wide, regardless of how they are set up and how they work
- agent-smith-ai — agent-smith-ai
- agentforge — AI-driven task automation system
- agentspeak — JASON-style AgentSpeak for Python.
- agentverse — A versatile framework that streamlines the process of creating custom multi-agent environments for large language models (LLMs).
- agiflow-sdk — Agiflow Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, support LLM APIs and Frameworks tracing with Opentelemetry and more.
- agilecoder — AgileCoder
- agilicus — Agilicus SDK
- aglink — Generator Links
- agptools — Minimal Tools not found in python library
- ah-blackjack — Black jack in terminal
- ai-enterprise-agent — AI Agent simplifies the implementation and use of generative AI with LangChain.
- ai-function-helper — A helper for creating AI-powered functions using OpenAI's API
- ai-microcore — # Minimalistic Foundation for AI Applications
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aicampxyz — This library is used to quickly implement aicamp workbooks within the cocalc enviornment.
- aiclub — Python Client to access Navigator
- aicompleter — Interactive AI program framework for Python
- AIConsole-o — An AI-powered assistant for command-line operations, networking configurations, and file system management, and more...
- aidebug — AI Coding Assistant Shell
- AIDocStringGenerator — AIDocStringGenerator is an automated tool that utilizes AI technologies like Anthropic and OpenAI GPT-3.5 to generate and manage docstrings in Python code. It streamlines documentation by processing both single files and entire directories, offering customizable settings for docstring verbosity and style. This tool is ideal for enhancing code readability and maintainability in Python projects.
- aif360 — IBM AI Fairness 360
- aiflows — aiFlows implements the abstraction of Flows proposed in "Flows: Building Blocks of Reasoning and Collaborating AI" and greatly simplifies the design and implementation of complex (work)Flows involving humans, AI systems, and tools.
- aigpy — Python Common Tool
- aigpy-test — Python Common Tool
- aiida-wannier90-workflows — Advanced AiiDA workflows for Wannier90
- ailola — no summary
- aimlflow — Python Client to access Navigator
- aio_manager — Script manager for aiohttp.
- aiob — All In One Bridge.
- aiocapsolver — Async API wrapper for
- aiocflib — Python async API for Crazyflie drones
- aiodgram — This library from easy work with aiogram
- aiogram-cli — no summary
- aiohttp-init — Aiohttp officially recommends automatic generation libraries
- aiomsg — Socket-based abstraction for messaging patterns
- aionlib — Library support for the 'aion' project
- aionotify — Asyncio-powered inotify library
- aiosmb — Asynchronous SMB protocol implementation
- aiosqlembic — Migrations powered by aiosql
- aiotest — Developer friendly load testing framework Based on asyncio
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airiam — Least privilege AWS IAM Terraformer
- airontools — Machine learning tools to complement the AIronSuit package.
- Airshare — Cross-platform content sharing in a local network.
- AirStuff — Utilities to speedup AIR (Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca) document upload, for HEP users
- ait-learners — Webinterface for accessing CR exercises.
- aiuda — AI tools for runtime python. Such as advanced pprinting, tree, formatting and some random utils.
- ak-androguard — A fork of official Androguard project. Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- ak-frame-extractor — Python-based GUI tool to extract frames from video files produced with Azure Kinect cameras.
- ak-sw-benchmarker — AK_SW_BENCHMARKER that makes it possible to apply different sizing algorithms and allometric yield prediction models to manually labeled color and depth tree images.
- akande — Akande: A versatile voice assistant powered by OpenAI's GPT-3. It
- akaudit — Audit who has SSH access to your user homes via authorized_keys.