Reverse Dependencies of dataclasses
The following projects have a declared dependency on dataclasses:
- aamp — Nintendo parameter archive (AAMP) library
- abb-motion-program-exec — Python package to execute motion commands on ABB robots and log results
- accelo — no summary
- acclimatise — Acclimatise is a Python library and command-line utility for parsing the help output of a command-line tool and then outputting a description of the tool in a more structured format
- accorder — Accorder makes Calibre library portable as standalone webapp and ready to be shared at Memory of the World Library.
- acron — Lightweight scheduler
- adc-streaming — Astronomy Data Commons streaming client libraries
- agile-toolkit — Agile toolkit for publishing and repository management
- aiohttp-toolbox — Tools for aiohttp I want to reuse.
- aiohttp-ws — Nano-framework for working with websockets, powered by aiohttp and redis
- aiohypixel — An asynchronous Hypixel API Wrapper written in Python
- aioinflux — Asynchronous Python client for InfluxDB
- aionetworking — Various utilities for asyncio networking
- aiorequest — Package provides asynchronous user-friendly HTTP client with clean objects.
- aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiortc-datachannel-only — Jeremy Lainé's aiortc library with only datachannel support and no extra dependencies
- aiortc2 — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- aiousps — Python wrapper for the USPS API
- Aj-Zsl-nlu — John Snow Labs NLU provides state of the art algorithms for NLP&NLU with 10000+ of pretrained models in 200+ languages. It enables swift and simple development and research with its powerful Pythonic and Keras inspired API. It is powerd by John Snow Labs powerful Spark NLP library.
- akq — Job queues in python with asyncio and keydb/redis
- allennlp — An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- alo — A tool to combine function with DAG
- aloon — Common helper
- alt-betterproto — A CLONE of better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- altair-transform — A python engine for evaluating Altair transforms.
- amundsen-frontend — Web UI for Amundsen
- analogvnn — A fully modular framework for modeling and optimizing analog/photonic neural networks
- anaml-helper — A helper library for working with features and featuresets programmatically leveraging the existing anaml_client SDK.
- andriller — Andriller CE | Android Forensic Tools
- animanager — Command line program for advanced anime watching management
- ankcompiler — A CLI tool for compiling Anki decks, defined in Markdown
- annolid — An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package.
- annotell-input-api — Annotell Input Api Client
- ant-net-monitor — no summary
- anyfig — Create modular and scaleable configurations at runtime
- anyio-mqtt — Very early work in progress of an AnyIO MQTT client
- apialerts — Python wrapper for the API Alerts service
- aprsd — APRSd is a APRS-IS server that can be used to connect to APRS-IS and send and receive APRS packets.
- aprsd-slack-plugin — Amateur radio APRS daemon which listens for messages and responds
- aquasec-api — Aqua Security SDK to pull data from Aquasec Tenant and CSPM for auditing
- aquasec-cli — Aqua Security cli
- arbiterd — A collection of daemons to arbitrate power and performance
- arc1-pyqt — ArC1 Control Interface
- arcor2-kinali — ARCOR2 integration for Kinali services.
- arcus — Arcus API Client
- argset — Simple callable argument inspection & filtering
- arhmm — no summary
- armarx — A Python Toolbox for ArmarX
- arn — A Python library for parsing AWS ARNs
- arthurai — Arthur Python SDK
- arus — Activity Recognition with Ubiquitous Sensing
- arvados-python-client — Arvados client library
- arxiv-submission-core — no summary
- arxiv-vault — no summary
- as4pgc — Audio Steganography: compress, encrypt and hide a secret file inside an audio file (MP3, WAV, OGG, FLAC, ..)
- asciigraphics — Do Pixel Graphics with ascii charecters
- asciiplot — Platform-agnostic, highly customizable sequence plotting in the console
- asgi-ratelimit — no summary
- aspmc — An efficient algebraic model counter.
- astroher — Serves command-line utility that creates python projects from certain based template.
- astrostarfish — Covariance tools for fitting stellar spectra
- async-http-requests — Asynchronous HTTP requests
- async2v — Framework for building computer-vision prototypes
- atldld — Search, download, and prepare atlas data.
- atools — Python 3.6+ async/sync memoize and rate decorators
- atopile-omegaconf — A flexible configuration library
- attribute-name-validator — Attribute Name Validator
- aucampia.template.poetry — no summary
- audio2dataset — A python template
- AudioDAG — no summary
- audiossl — no summary
- authedwig — Hedwig Python Library
- auto-init — Dependency injection thanks to type hints in Python 3.6+
- autoboto — boto3 with auto-complete and dataclasses not dicts
- autocfg — Deep learning configuration
- autofaiss — # AutoFaiss
- autofaiss-rom1504 — # AutoFaiss
- auxeticmop — A package for finding meta-material structure using ABAQUS and MOP evolutionary algorithm approaches.
- avast.betterproto — A better Protobuf / gRPC generator & library
- avrotize — Tools to convert from and to Avro Schema from various other schema languages.
- awessome — awessome
- awkupy — A simple Python interface and IPython/Jupyter magic for AWK
- aws-a2i — Amazon Augmented AI for Human.
- aws-arns — Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) utilities.
- aws-cloudformation — ⭐ AWS CloudFormation deployment for human, Enable terraform plan, terraform apply styled deployment.
- aws-codebuild — empower AWS CodeBuild.
- aws-codecommit — empower AWS CodeCommit
- aws-comprehend — Amazon Comprehend enhancement.
- aws-console-url — Build AWS Console Url for debugging.
- aws-console-url-search — A cross-platform CLI tool for lightning-fast AWS Console URL opener.
- aws-organizations — AWS Organizations SDK enhancement.
- aws-regions — Provides functions to get up-to-date AWS regions lists.
- aws-sessions-switcher — A tool to help switching between multiple AWS environments easy and seamless
- aws-sfn-builder — AWS Step Functions: state machine boilerplate generator
- aws-textract — Amazon Textract SDK for Human.
- axblack — The uncompromising code formatter (compromised version)
- axonius-api-client — Axonius API client for Python
- azol — A python-based pentesting library for Azure and Entra ID
- azureml-automl-dnn-nlp — End to end deep learning models for NLP tasks in AutoML.
- azureml-automl-runtime — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with running AutoML for public use.