Reverse Dependencies of django-cors-headers
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-cors-headers:
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- Aitomatic-Contrib — Aitomatic Contrib
- alcali — Alcali
- apis-core — Base package for the APIS framework
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- atonixcore — At AtonixCorp, we're pioneering the future with cutting-edge technology solutions across agriculture, fintech, medical research, security, big data, and cloud computing. Our innovative approaches and dedicated expertise drive advancements and empower industries to reach new heights.
- autoapi-django — Library for generating transport logic for web application
- avishan-wrapper-old — I hate this
- bk-plugin-runtime — bk plugin python django runtime
- bma — BornHack Media Archive Django project
- boilerplate-manager — It is a Django app to generate forms, templates, Api Rest and views for apps of your project.
- bomiot — One workspace for you to do you python app
- Boorunaut — A taggable imageboard built in Django.
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- carbon-txt — A command line tool containing a validator for carbon.txt files, by the Green Web Foundation
- carbon-txt-validator — A validator for carbon.txt files, by the Green Web Foundation
- citrinedjangomodule — citrinedjangomodule
- cklauth — An opinionated Django app to provide user authentication.
- cloudlaunch-server — CloudLaunch is a ReSTful, extensible Django app for discovering and launching applications on cloud, container, or local infrastructure
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- concrete-datastore — A highly versatile REST Datastore
- config-engine — Zipari Config Engine
- corgy-erp — An opensourse ERP developed on django framework
- cosapp-creator — A Django app providing Rest APIs to create CosApp system.
- cryton — Advanced scenario orchestrator
- cryton-core — Advanced scheduler for attack scenarios
- deepdataspace — A tool for CV dataset labeling, visualizing and analysing
- dj-core — A self-contained and extensible Django environment
- dj-core-drf — A self-contained and extensible Django Rest Framework environment
- dj-rest-auth-mfa — A Django App that adds MFA endpoints to dj-rest-auth
- dj-rest-tickets — A reusable Django app for XYZ functionality
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-access-point — Django Access Point is a package designed to streamline the creation of APIs for user and role management in SaaS projects. It simplifies user authentication, authorization, and role-based access control, enabling developers to build robust and scalable applications with ease. Additionally, this package supports custom fields, allowing users to manage their own specific fields for enhanced flexibility and customization.
- django-arkid — ArkID是全新一代企业单点登录解决方案, 彻底告别企业内多系统多账号的烦恼, 节省管理成本, 自带功能全面的WEB管理界面,提升管理效率。
- django-assessment — Django Assessment package
- django-avishan — Avishan is just an set of tools
- django-axor-auth — Django authentication API using Django Rest Framework.
- django-boilerplate-rest — Django Boilerplate REST API
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-collect-offline — Collect data offline and push to the server later.
- django-collect-offline-files — Add file-based data transfer to server for offline-use
- django-composed-configuration — Turnkey Django settings for data management applications.
- django-dashboards — Tools for building data dashboards with Django
- django-default — A Django project structure generator by @ja_khan_gir
- django-djmongo — A reusable Django application providing a web interface for MongoDB and a RESTful API Toolkit.
- django-eha-sdk — A python library with helpful django tools
- django-forestadmin — The Django Liana for Forest Admin.
- django-labportalen — A Django app to communicate with Swedish Labportalen. Suitable with eRemiss <= 3.1.0
- django-mds — MDS Agency implementation
- django-napse — The heart and brains of the Napse Invest platform.
- django-ocs-observation-portal — The Observatory Control System (OCS) Observation Portal django apps
- django-pds — Django Platform Data Service
- django-pfx — Django PFX is a toolkit designed to streamline the development of RESTful APIs using the Django framework.
- django-polaris — An extendable Django server for Stellar Ecosystem Proposals.
- django-pyoidc — Authenticate your users using OpenID Connect (OIDC)
- django-quotes — A reusable Django app to collect quotes for use in random retrieval or generation of sentences using Markov Chains.
- django-react-jollof — A CLI tool to scaffold Django + React projects with options for social login and styling frameworks.
- django-release-manager — A Release Manager for Embedded Apps in your website, such as an SPA.
- django-rework — Non-verbose Django development experience
- django-s3-image-service — Handle s3 image uploads via API with some sizing and processing options.
- django-scaffold-tools — A reusable django-app set for a DRF django project, starting support from django 3.0.
- django-simple-media-manager — Simple django rest media manager
- django-sp — Django application for custom Social Profile Auth and User model.
- django-wechat-user — A wechat user model
- DjangoAppCenter — Django Apps Container.
- djangophysics — Django APIs for physics conversion and calculations
- djangorest-routes — 🔐 Authentication routes as a service.
- djangorestframework-admin — Admin Backend Web APIs for DjangoRestFramework, made easy.
- document-merge-service — Merge Document Template Service
- drf-compose — DRF Compose generates ready to use API using Django Rest Framework
- drf-localize — Package to provide localization experiences for mobile and api applications.
- drf-yasg2 — Automated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
- DynamicForms — DynamicForms performs all the visualisation & data entry of your DRF Serializers & ViewSets and adds some candy of its own
- easyauth — A toolkit to set up web application with authentication and authorization functionalities based on Django.
- emeis — user management
- emodjis — Emoticons server using Django
- flashcardpro — A flashcard creation and learning application
- forager-server — A web-based data exploration system for rapid task definition.
- forestadmin-agent-django — django agent for forestadmin python agent
- freedb — no summary
- fullctl — Core classes and functions for service applications
- funkwhale-api — no summary
- garpixcms — no summary
- geocurrency — Web based services to convert units and currencies.
- geoluminate — no summary
- gerapy — Distributed Crawler Management Framework Based on Scrapy, Scrapyd, Scrapyd-Client, Scrapyd-API, Django and Vue.js.
- gethue — Open source SQL Query Assistant for Databases/Warehouses
- getup — Projectless Django setup tool
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- grooveshop-django-api — GrooveShop Django Backend
- gupy-framework — Gupy! A simple and efficient framework for developing cross-platform applications.
- haupt — Lineage metadata API, artifacts streams, sandbox, ML-API, and spaces for Polyaxon.
- hazard-feed — storm warning rss parser
- hrin-msb — no summary
- hthPkg — A small example package
- hub20 — ## Welcome to Hub20
- jaad — An additional layer to Django aiming to simplify resilient API creation