Reverse Dependencies of django-filter
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-filter:
- acdh-django-browsing — Django-App providing some useful things to create browsing views
- adm-boundary-manager — Load, manage and visualize Administrative Boundaries Data in Wagtail
- aiit-sdk — A python sdk for AIIT OS
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- antares-apps — Antares Apps Module
- apis-core — Base package for the APIS framework
- apis-core-rdf — Base package for the APIS framework
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- ariadne-extended — Ariadne contrib library for working with Django and GraphQL
- atlantic-server — Server side of an application of an Aircraft Technical Log
- audoma — API Automatic Documentation Maker - DRF-SPECTACULAR wrapper
- auth-token-django — Django token authentication
- automagic-rest — Automagic REST: Django REST Framework Code Generator for Underlying PostgreSQL DBs
- balder — no summary
- bma — BornHack Media Archive Django project
- bomiot — One workspace for you to do you python app
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- budgetmanager — Django app for keeping track of budgets, payees, and payments
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- caluma-alexandria — Document management service
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- certego-saas — Certego SaaS
- chatlabs-support — no summary
- chibi-django — no summary
- cl-sii — Python library for Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII) of Chile.
- climweb-wdqms — National level WDQMS Summary tool
- cloudlaunch-server — CloudLaunch is a ReSTful, extensible Django app for discovering and launching applications on cloud, container, or local infrastructure
- cloudmesh_gitissues — cloudmesh_gitissues - Manageing Issue Priorities in github
- cm-safe-eth-py — Gnosis libraries for Python Projects
- cmdbase — Building blocks for a CMDB, leveraging Django and PostgreSql.
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- collectivo — no summary
- commonground-api-common — Commonground API tooling
- concrete-datastore — A highly versatile REST Datastore
- config-engine — Zipari Config Engine
- corepluslib — Django functional modules
- course-access-groups — An Open edX plugin to customize courses access by grouping learners and assigning different permissions to groups.
- dcomputationaltool — no summary
- dgenome — no summary
- dj-core-drf — A self-contained and extensible Django Rest Framework environment
- dj-kaos-webclipper — Clip web pages html and store in Django
- dj-notification-api — A Django package developed by Lazarus for efficiently handling notifications through various APIs
- dj-rest-kit — dj-rest-kit is a reusable Django application
- dj-rest-tickets — A reusable Django app for XYZ functionality
- dj-sinp-nomenclatures — Django app to manage french SINP nomenclatures standards
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-academic-community — A Django app to manage members, topics and more in an academic community
- django-admin-api — export Django Admin API by restful style
- django-admin-fast-search — Your project description goes here
- django-admin-filter — A generic filter for the django-admin-page based on django-filter.
- django-admin-view — no summary
- django-admin2 — An introspective interface for Django's ORM.
- django-analyses — A reusable Django app to manage analyses.
- django-apar — Aparnik is a simple Django app to help about some common problems.
- django-api-helper — An abstraction layer for creating APIs in Django Rest Framework, supports rpc style APIs.
- django-appchance-sections — A Django application containing a set of abstract classes to implement a set of highly manageable sections with any content
- django-assessment — Django Assessment package
- django-aux — Useful Mixins for Django Projects
- django-avishan — Avishan is just an set of tools
- django-basin3d — BASIN-3D Django Web Framework
- django-belt — Simple package with some utilities for Django.
- django-bird-colony — A simple Django app for managing a bird breeding colony
- django-bona-blog — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-bread — Helper for building BREAD interfaces
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-budget — A tool to help newsrooms manage their content, from pitch to planning to production.
- django-budget-backend — An API to manage your monthly budgets.
- django-burl — A Django app for shortening URLs
- django-business-logic — Visual DSL framework for django
- django-cassandra-common — Common classes I have found useful to develop with Django and Cassandra
- django-cast — no summary
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-celery-beat-rest — RESTful API for django-celery-beat
- django-celery-results-rest — RESTful API for django-celery-results
- django-channel-tasks — Running background tasks through websocket, using channels-redis, from Django Admin or REST API.
- django-chaos — Chaos is a project that you can use to do project management
- django-classified — Django Classified
- django-composed-configuration — Turnkey Django settings for data management applications.
- django-congo3 — Congo 3 contains many useful tools for faster and more efficient Django application developing.
- django-core-api — no summary
- django-coreplus — Django functional modules
- django-covid19 — A django app of covid-19 API in countries around the world, provinces and cities in China, and states in the USA.
- django-crispy-views — crispy views for django.
- django-crosswalk — Build and query databases of arbitrary entities.
- django-crud-apis — A library for generating CRUD APIs for Django models
- django-cruditor — A set of class based views and mixins to generate CRUD interfaces.
- django-cruds-mixins — Fast and predicatable creation of admin panels and applications
- django-custom-utils — A collection of utilities that makes working with Django and DRF easier.
- django-customized-blog-package — This package is based on the blog project. It provides all the functionality required for a blog project
- django-daiquiri — Daiquiri is a framework for the publication of scientific databases.
- django-data-sources-tracking — Django app for dealing with files/data sources and tracking them.
- django-decide-host — A Django-based database for trials and events in the decide operant control system
- django-describer — A tool for automated generation of several APIs from a Django webapp.
- django-df-api-drf — django-df-api-drf
- django-dicom — A simple Django app to manage DICOM files.
- django-didadata — A Django app to collect numeric data.
- django-email-accounts — A Django app for user management with email-based authentication.
- django-enum — Full and natural support for enumerations as Django model fields.
- django-enum-choices — A custom Django field able to use subclasses of Python's internal `Enum` class as choices