Reverse Dependencies of plotly
The following projects have a declared dependency on plotly:
- 203-python-project-rc — Add feature to pybacktestchain
- 3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59 — Confidential
- 3d-connectX-env — 3D ConnectX for OpenAI Gym.
- a2 — Package for predicting information about the weather from social media data as application 2 for maelstrom project
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- ab-test-toolkit — Toolkit to simulate and analyze AB tests
- abaqus-parse — Abaqus input and output file readers and writers.
- ABayesianC — A general-purpose approximate Bayesian calculation
- abrain — NeuroEvolution in Python backed by C++ computations
- AbStochKin — Agent-based Stochastic Kinetics: A method for simulating the dynamics of heterogeneous populations.
- abstract-python-email-validation — AbstractEmailValidation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's email validation service in your projects.
- abstract-python-exchange-rates — AbstractExchangeRates - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's exchange rates service in your projects.
- abstract-python-ip-geolocation — AbstractIpGeolocation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's IP geolocation service in your projects.
- abstract-python-phone-validation — AbstractPhoneValidation - Wrapper to quickly start using the powerful AbstractAPI's Phone Validation service in your projects.
- ac_solver — no summary
- academia-rl — Easy-to-use tools for Curriculum Learning
- accelrod — A library for benchmarking the tflops of accelerators
- accuasset — SK Accuinsight Asset package
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- activetigger — ActiveTigger in Python
- actorch — Deep reinforcement learning framework for fast prototyping based on PyTorch
- adagenes — Generic toolkit for processing DNA polymorphism data
- adams-shell-wear — Python tools for calculating and applying wear to shell geometry in Adams
- adaptive — Parallel active learning of mathematical functions
- addci — Get info about confidence intervals
- adpred — Prediction of Transcription Activation Domains from protein sequences
- adranis-sigma — Firt release of the python binding of the Adranis Sigma API
- ADToolbox — A tool for modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion process.
- advanced-data-processing — An advanced data processing pipeline for machine learning workflows
- adviz — advertools visualizations
- aecg — Python parser and viewer for Annotated ECG HL7 files
- aeiou — audio engineering i/o utils
- aemm — Autoencoder Market Models (AEMM)
- aenc — Specialized autoencoders for dimension reduction in quant models of financial markets (AENC)
- aeromaps — AeroMAPS: Multidisciplinary Assessment of Prospective Scenarios for air transport
- AeroSandbox — A Python 3 package for playing around with aerodynamics ideas related to vortex lattice methods, coupled viscous/inviscid methods, automatic differentiation for gradient computation, aircraft design optimization, and the like. Work in progress!
- afd-measures — A collection of measures for Approximate Functional Dependencies in relational data.
- afids-utils — Utility functions for working with AFIDs data / workflows
- AFM-Learn — A Python package for visualizing and analyzing Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM) and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy(PFM) experimental data, offering tools to process, visualize, and extract meaningful insights from AFM images and measurements.
- aftool — Asdil Fibrizo's tool
- afusion — AFusion: AlphaFold 3 GUI & Toolkit with Visualization
- agentic-fleet — A powerful multi-agent system for adaptive AI reasoning and automation
- agentlib — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentlib-mpc — Framework for development and execution of agents for control and simulation of energy systems.
- agentMET4FOF — A software package for the integration of metrological input into an agent-based system for the consideration of measurement uncertainty in current industrial manufacturing processes.
- ahjo — Database deployment framework
- AI-Aquatica — The project is used to analyze water quality data using AI/ML tools.
- AI-Dashboard — no summary
- ai-data-science-team — Build and run an AI-powered data science team.
- ai-helpers-pytorch-utils — Common PyTorch utils
- aiagents4pharma — AI Agents for drug discovery, drug development, and other pharmaceutical R&D.
- aibro — Serverless model training
- aicns-univariate-analyzer — Univariate time series analyzer library package in AICNS project
- aideml — Autonomous AI for Data Science and Machine Learning
- aidsorb — Python package for deep learning on molecular point clouds.
- aigauntlet — Add your description here
- aigs — no summary
- aikoai — Python client library for the AikoAI API
- ailever — Clever Artificial Intelligence
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- AIMSim — Python command line and GUI tool to analyze molecular similarity.
- aind-dynamic-foraging-basic-analysis — Generated from aind-library-template
- aiqc — End-to-end machine learning on your desktop or server.
- air-sans — A trame application for analysis, inspection, and reduction of multi-detector data produced by the Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instruments.
- airi-test-task — This library contains the code used to run a test job to AIRI.
- airpyllution — A package which provides various functionalities on air pollution data.
- airqloudanalysis — This is used for analyzing the obtain from IoT AirQo devices
- airqo-analyzer — This is used for analyzing the obtain from IoT AirQo devices
- aisaratuners — leveraging aisara algorithm for effective hyperparameter tuning
- aixd — AI-eXtended Design (AIXD)
- ak-keydetector — ML Based API Key Detector
- akerbp.mlpet — Package to prepare well log data for ML projects.
- akhenaten-py — A python API wrapper for Akhenaten Plotly hoster
- aksara — Aksara is an Indonesian NLP tool that conforms to the Universal Dependencies (UD) v2
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- alertadengue — AlertaDengue Package
- AlgoAnalyzer — AlgoAnalyzer is a package for designing your trading strategies and run simulations to backtest your strategies and check their robustness
- alltime — A time-series predictive modeling package.
- allvissone — All Data Science Visualization package in single line
- alpaca-farm — no summary
- alphamap — Peptide level analysis of bottom-up proteomics data
- alphaml — Build a CLETE Binary Classification Model
- alpharaw — An open-source Python package to unify raw MS data access and storage.
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- alphaviz — A interactive Dashboard to explore mass spectrometry data.
- alto-anomaly-detection — no summary
- alto-exp-bot — Alto experience package LINE bot
- altrios — Tool for modeling and optimization of advanced locomotive powertrains for freight rail decarbonization.
- am2eda — no summary
- ammico-lavis — LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
- ampere-meter — Tooling to track and visualize engagement with the mrpowers-io organization
- amplabs — One of the AmpLabs product to create high end plots for your data
- amplicnv — A Python3.x package for CNV detection
- amplicov — script to generate amplicon coverage plot
- amplify-bbopt — An Amplify-based library to facilitate black-box optimization
- amplify-sched — Fixstars Amplify Scheduling Engine SDK
- analyser-hj3415 — Stock analyser and database processing programs
- analyze-stocks-india — A python package to download historic stock prices from NSE website and process them to find best stock to purchase
- analyzerportfolio — A Python package for stock portfolio analysis and optimization.