Reverse Dependencies of pulp
The following projects have a declared dependency on pulp:
- nextai-prism — Prism: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- nshare-calc — Python library for calculating the optimal number of shares given a portfolio using integer programming.
- nvidia-modelopt — Nvidia TensorRT Model Optimizer: a unified model optimization and deployment toolkit.
- omegalpes — OMEGAlpes is a linear energy systems modelling library
- omniqubo — Extensible framework for transforming optimization models to binary models
- one-relator-curvature — A package for studying regular sectional curvature of one relator groups
- oobleck — A framework for efficient fault tolerance in large scale distributed training with pipeline template.
- openstack-congress — Congress: The open policy framework for the cloud.
- opilot — OpenPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- optiframe — A modular framework for mixed integer programming.
- optimal-congress — CLI to find an optimal, personal schedule for the 38c3 congress.
- optimal-loc — A python project which finds the optimal N locations in a given area according to the given location inputs. This package can be used for business or individual needs.
- optimization_course — no summary
- orfmine — no summary
- orthoflow — A phylogenomic workflow
- ORTipy2 — Operation Research Toolkit in Python
- ortoolpy — `ortoolpy` is a package for Operations Research.
- pacu-snp — Workflow for whole genome sequencing based phylogeny of Illumina and ONT data.
- ParticleDetection — Tools to track particles with machine learning.
- pascal — C code generator for stencil calculation
- penaltyblog — Library from for scraping and modelling football (soccer) data
- philharmonic — Decoding functional organization in non-model organisms
- phlash — Bayesian inference of population size history from recombining sequence data.
- pnsgraph — Python Implementation of P-graph Algorithms for Process Network Synthesis
- potara — A multi-document summarizer based on ILP and sentence fusion.
- ppulp — An extension of PuLP, a linear programming problem modeling tool
- predlp — Prediction probabilities with a linear programming constraint during label assignment.
- ProdPack — An Efficiency and Productivity Analysis Package
- prolothar-process-discovery — algorithms for process mining and data mining on event sequences
- prompt-optimizer — no summary
- provisio — Small utility library containing city provision metric used in other projects
- PuLP-MiA — Multi-index Addon for PuLP
- pulp2mat — convert pulp model into matrix formulation for scipy.optimize.milp
- pwasopt — PWAS/PWASp - Global and Preference-based Optimization with Mixed Variables using (P)iece(w)ise (A)ffine (S)urrogates
- pydcop — Several dcop algo implementation
- pyDEA — Package for conducting data envelopment analysis
- pyehub — A library used to solve an energy hub model in Python.
- Pyfrontier — Pyfrontier is a data envelopment analysis for Python user.
- pyhrtc — Various algorithms and tools for stable matching problems
- pymarket — A simple library for simulating markets in Python
- pyorlib — A powerful Python library for operations research. Define, solve, and interact with mathematical models in a standardized manner across different optimization packages.
- pyOSCUD — Libreria de python para Programacion y Control de Operaciones
- pyproteininference — Python Package for running custom protein inference algorithms on tab-formatted tandem MS/MS search results.
- pyschedule — A python package to formulate and solve resource-constrained scheduling problems
- qbc-dsbm — Codes for quasibiclique
- qlinks — Quantum link model
- quantagonia — This package contains the CLI and API to access Quantagonia's HybridSolver.
- quantagonia-api-client — This package contains APIs for accessing Quantagonia's HybridSolver for solving MIPs and QUBOs through native file formats or PuLP resp. PyQUBO, Qiskit, or Ocean
- quark-famework — Framework for Quantum Computing Application Benchmarking
- quark-framework — Framework for Quantum Computing Application Benchmarking
- qudas — Quantum data transform package
- quoracle — A library for modelling, analyzing, and optimizing quorum systems
- rank2plan — no summary
- region — Package offering regionalization algorithms
- reperiods — A set of tools to find Representative Periods.
- revpref — Python Tools for Computational Revealed Preference Analysis
- rnaglib — RNAglib: Tools for learning on the structure of RNA using 2.5D geometric representations
- RNApolis — A Python library containing RNA-related bioinformatics functions and classes
- salbpone — Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problem (SALBP-1) solver
- savemoney — Simple Algorithm for Very Efficient Multiplexing of Oxford Nanopore Experiments for You!
- scikit-criteria — Scikit-Criteria is a collections of algorithms, methods and techniques for multiple-criteria decision analysis.
- scoptimize — Supply Chain Optimization Package
- scx — MIT Supply Chain Python Package
- seating-planner — A package for optimizing seating arrangements
- sebschmi-snakemake — Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. Snakemake workflows are essentially Python scripts extended by declarative code to define rules. Rules describe how to create output files from input files.
- seqnado — Pipelines for genomics analysis
- sequana — A set of standalone application and pipelines dedicated to NGS analysis
- sequana-multitax — A multi-sample and multi-databases taxonomic analysis using Kraken
- sequana-rnaseq — A RNAseq pipeline from raw reads to feature counts
- sgdot — no summary
- sgdotlite — no summary
- simpleor — Package to solve Operations Research problems.
- skypilot — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- skypilot-nightly — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- SLAMBUC — Serverless Layout Adaptation with Memory-Bounds and User Constraints
- snakecdysis — You want to wrap your best snakemake workflow to be easy install and run, Snakecdysis is for you !!!!! Tha aim of Snakecdysis is to easy-wrapped snakemake workflow as python package and then build sub-commands to manage this. !!!!!
- snakemake — Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses
- snk-cli — no summary
- sodac — Stencil with optimized dataflow architecture
- spaghetti — Analysis of Network-constrained Spatial Data
- spopt — Spatial Optimization in PySAL
- strmscience — STRM base python package
- sugeno-classifier — Implementation of the Sugeno classifier
- sugikey — Drawing Sankey diagrams in Python
- taxbill — Tax calculator and optimiser for UK freelancers
- textgraphs — TextGraphs + LLMs + graph ML for entity extraction, linking, ranking, and constructing a lemma graph
- townsnet — Provision assessment for cities of an urban region
- tra-tools — some helpful tools
- trainy-skypilot-nightly — SkyPilot: An intercloud broker for the clouds
- TrenchRipper — no summary
- tsmpy — An orthogonal layout algorithm, using TSM approach
- tsopt — Easily solve any multi-stage transshipment cost minimization optimization problem
- tsp-solutions — The travelling salesman problem is a np-hard problem with application in supply chain and computer science
- tsp-solvers — Set of different methods to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem. Each method has its own class
- tsp-tools — `tsp-tools` is a package for Traveling Salesman Problem for Python.
- untilperfect — Solves the buffer preparation vessel sizing and assignment problem using mixed integer linear programming.
- uta-gms-engine — Engine for UTA GMS method
- vania — A module to fairly distribute objects among targets considering weights.
- vega-lite-linter — a python package for vega-lite lint and quick-fix
- vitessce — Jupyter widget facilitating interactive visualization of spatial single-cell data with Vitessce