Reverse Dependencies of pyodbc
The following projects have a declared dependency on pyodbc:
- acc2psql — Converter from *.accdb/*.mdb to PostgreSQL *.sql
- accdbtools — convert accdb tables to csv files
- access-db-easy — A simple library to interact with Access databases
- accessmysqlconverter — A package to convert MS Access (.mdb, .accdb) into a SQL file (Optionally with It's data)
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- adapta — Logging, data connectors, monitoring, secret handling and general lifehacks to make data people lives easier.
- adaptiveagatepy — Python APIs for accessing sequencing data in the Adaptive Biotechnologies Agate Datastore
- afs2-datasource — For AFS developer to access Datasource
- ahjo — Database deployment framework
- ai-text-to-sql — AI-Text-to-SQL, revolutionize database querying with AI-powered text-to-SQL.
- aind-metadata-service — REST service to retrive metadata from databases.
- aioodbc — ODBC driver for asyncio.
- airflow-fernet-secrets — airflow filesystem secret backend using fernet
- akerbp.mlpet — Package to prepare well log data for ML projects.
- allsql-utils — Short description
- amiconn — no summary
- AmiTool — create session and redis
- amundsen-databuilder — Amundsen Data builder
- amundsen-databuilder-neo4j4 — Amundsen Data builder
- Andreani-QA-Functions — Functions para ejecución de casos automatizados
- anemoi — EDF wind data analysis package
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anoapycore — Anoa Python Core Package
- AnyBlok — Anyblok is a dynamic injection blok framework
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-odbc — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-odbc for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-fastetl — FastETL custom package Apache Airflow provider.
- apache-airflow-providers-odbc — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-odbc for Apache Airflow
- arrow-mssql — Arrow-mssql exporta tabela ou consulta para .parquet ou .csv, e também faz a leitura de .parquet ou .csv para tabela do sql server
- arrow-odbc — Read the data of an ODBC data source as sequence of Apache Arrow record batches.
- ascendpbm-package — Common methods for handling ascendpbm's IT needs.
- assetic — Assetic Integration API
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- asyncodbc — Forked from aioodbc and make improvement
- atc-dataplatform — A common set of python libraries for DataBricks
- atscale — The AI-Link package created by AtScale
- avrotize — Tools to convert from and to Avro Schema from various other schema languages.
- awswrangler — Pandas on AWS.
- azure-msi-mssql-django — Django backend for Microsoft SQL Server with Azure MSI
- azureconnquery — no summary
- azuremlftk — "Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Forecasting Toolkit"
- azuretoolbox — Tools for Azure
- bcpandas — High-level wrapper around BCP for high performance data transfers between pandas and SQL Server. No knowledge of BCP required!!
- beetl — BeETL is a Python package for extracting data from one datasource,
- BeetleETL — Open Source python package for moving data from NoSQL to relational databases.
- berryworld — Handy classes to improve ETL processes
- bettermssql — A simple and lightweight ORM that facilitate some operations on SQL Server using of pyodbc.
- bgdiscovery — biGENIUS Discovery App.
- bizzflow-toolkit — Bizzflow is ETL (extract - transform - load) template based on standard native cloud services. Supporting the three main cloud providers (Google Cloud Platform / Amazon AWS / MS Azure), it takes all the advantages. You pay only for services you really use. Perfect for teams who want to have direct relationship with their cloud provider. No matter if it is because of security or because you already have existing contract.
- bmsdna.sql_utils — no summary
- boar-pv — High throughput parameter extraction and experimental design with Bayesian optimization
- bonbon — A utility library to help with data processing.
- bosos-dev-tools — Dev Tools is a collection of utility tools for Python developers, designed to simplify debugging, logging, and monitoring tasks. This package includes custom logging handlers, decorators for measuring execution time, and a progress bar utility to enhance the development workflow.
- BPMN-RPA — Robotic Process Automation by running BPMN diagram flows.
- brainiac5 — PYODBC and Pandas helper module
- bsc-utils — Utils for BSC Quants
- bssir — no summary
- burgiss-api — An api wrapper package for financial data provided by Burgiss
- caluxPy-fi — Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
- Capuccino — Library to help python developers wtih sql server connections
- catcher-modules — Additional modules for catcher.
- cbtham-feast-az-provider — A Feast Azure Provider
- cdpdev-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- cellpy — Extract and manipulate data from battery data testers.
- cit-pydata — Python clients for commonly used api services including Salesforce, SQL, Marketo, Box, SFSync*, and JobLog*
- civilpy — Civil Engineering Tools in Python
- cjfx — A module for common functions optimised for data scientists that need to code repeatitive tasks fast
- cloop — CLoop
- cloopui-server — Fast DB handler
- cmo-databaseutils — Connect to databases from Python
- cntr — ECommerce connector
- cobralib — A utilities module that contains classes and functions that simplify interfaces with files and databases.
- cocoon-data — Cocoon is an open-source project that aims to free analysts from tedious data transformations with LLM.
- CollabAgents — CollabAgents is a Python framework developed by Vishnu D. for developing AI agents equipped with specialized roles and tools to handle complex user requests efficiently. Users have 100 percent control over their prompts.
- collate-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- commcare-export — A command-line tool (and Python library) to extract data from CommCare HQ into a SQL database or Excel workbook
- comun-db — no summary
- connection-helper — A collection of helper for sql connections
- connector-db-tools — connector database
- connector-factory — Connector Factory;
- consultapmuxm — tool to query pmu data from phasor point
- contentbased-recommend — no summary
- coopio — Library for creating data services
- core-db — This project/library contains common elements and clients related to database engines...
- crawler-core — Core programs for crawling
- crawler-framework — Framework for crawling
- crazy-ibmi — SQLAlchemy support for Db2 on IBM i
- crosstream — A package for streaming cross-server dataset joins in memory
- CRUDXWORKERTEJAS1899 — This is django CRUD web application 2
- ctrlaltdata — A package for working with alternative data sets in a finance setting.
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- CYMEPY — Helice interface for CYME
- cz-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- Data-Access-Layer — Tool for interacting with databases
- data-agent-aspen-ip21 — Aspen IP21 historian plugin for `data-agent` package
- data-check — simple data validation
- data-connectors — Connect to various data sources - SQL Server, Google Sheets, Google BigQuery
- data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-diff-customize — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-mig — Arroyo: The Fíonta Data Migration Toolkit