Reverse Dependencies of pytest-regressions
The following projects have a declared dependency on pytest-regressions:
- aiida-abinit — The AiiDA plugin for ABINIT.
- aiida-aimall — A plugin to interface AIMAll with AiiDA
- aiida-ase — The official AiiDA plugin for ASE.
- aiida-codtools — The Official AiiDA plugin for the cod-tools package.
- aiida-common-workflows — Package that defines common interfaces for workflows that are implemented in AiiDA for various quantum engines.
- aiida-core — AiiDA is a workflow manager for computational science with a strong focus on provenance, performance and extensibility.
- aiida-crystal17 — AiiDA plugin for running the CRYSTAL17 code
- aiida-dataframe — AiiDA data plugin for pandas DataFrame objects
- aiida-fleur — AiiDA Plugin for running the FLEUR code and its input generator. Also includes high-level workchains and utilities
- aiida-gaussian — AiiDA plugin for the Gaussian quantum chemistry software.
- aiida-gulp — AiiDA plugin for running the GULP MD code
- aiida-icl — AiiDA plugin interfacing with the Imperial College London cx1 HPC
- aiida-kkr — AiiDA plugin for the JuKKR codes
- aiida-lammps — AiiDA plugin for the LAMMPS code
- aiida-nwchem — The official AiiDA plugin for NWChem
- aiida-orca — AiiDA-Orca plugin
- aiida-phonopy — The official AiiDA plugin for Phonopy
- aiida-pyscf — AiiDA plugin for the Python-based Simulations of Chemistry Framework (PySCF).
- aiida-quantumespresso — The official AiiDA plugin for Quantum ESPRESSO
- aiida-quantumespresso-test — The official AiiDA plugin for Quantum ESPRESSO
- aiida-shell — AiiDA plugin that makes running shell commands easy.
- aiida-sssp-workflow — Package for the AiiDA SSSP workflow
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiida-wannier90 — AiiDA Plugin for the Wannier90 code
- aiida-wannier90-workflows — Advanced AiiDA workflows for Wannier90
- aiida-wien2k — The official AiiDA plugin for WIEN2k.
- aiida-yambo-wannier90 — Plugin to combine Wannier90 interpolations with GW corrections computed by Yambo
- assumptions — Generating Markdown assumptions logs from code comments.
- autosweep — automated testing
- coincidence — Helper functions for pytest.
- compchem-si — A plugin for generating SI data from Gaussian output files
- consolekit — Additional utilities for click.
- cspdk — CornerStone PDK
- dao-field — 道域
- deepqmc — Deep-learning quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- deta-hub — Note Demo
- django-ocr_translate — Django app for OCR and translation
- docbarcodes — Docbarcodes extracts 1D and 2D barcodes from scanned PDF documents or images.
- dodata — Software Development Kit - SDK for DoData
- dodata-core — Core for DoData
- drain-swamp — Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
- flask-restalchemy — Flask extension to build REST APIs based on SQLAlchemy models
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- geetools — A collection of tools to work with Google Earth Engine Python API
- gf180 — GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU
- github-activity — Grab recent issue/PR activity from a GitHub repository and render it as markdown.
- gitlab-activity — Grab recent issue/PR activity from a GitLab repository and render it as markdown.
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- group_decomposition — A plugin for extracting data from .sum files and manipuating them
- gvtt — gdsfactory VTT PDK
- inc — install new computer
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- irnl-rdt-correction — Correction script to power the nonlinear correctors in the (HL-)LHC insertion regions based on RDTs.
- jobs-done10 — Job's Done uses a .jobs_done.yaml file in your repository to create Continuous Integration jobs on Jenkins.
- jupyter_book — Build a book with Jupyter Notebooks and Sphinx.
- jupyter-cache — A defined interface for working with a cache of jupyter notebooks.
- jupyter-federation — Jupyter Federation
- jupyterbook-latex — Latex specific features for jupyter book
- kfactory — KLayout API implementation of gdsfactory
- kgeneric — KLayout generic PDK
- kplugins — KFactory extras such as PCells and plugins
- lours — no summary
- ManifoldMarketManager — Tools and market management for
- markdown-it-py — Python port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- mdit-py-plugins — Collection of plugins for markdown-it-py
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- mf2 — A collection of analytical benchmark functions in multiple fidelities
- mistletoe-ebp — A fast, extensible Markdown parser in pure Python.
- myst-docutils — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- MyST-NB — A Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
- myst-nb-json — A MIME-type plugin for rendering JSON output from Jupyter notebooks to HTML
- myst-parser — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- napari-omero — napari/OMERO interoperability
- ocr_translate-easyocr — Plugins to enable usage of Easyocr in ocr_translate
- ocr_translate-paddle — Plugins to enable usage of PaddleOCR in ocr_translate
- ontoviz — no summary
- parlai — Unified platform for dialogue research.
- plasmapy-sphinx — Sphinx extensions for the PlasmaPy Project
- projectx — Note Demo
- pydata-sphinx-theme — Bootstrap-based Sphinx theme from the PyData community
- pygaul — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by FAO GAUL from a Python script.
- pylhc — An accelerator physics script collection for the OMC team at CERN.
- pylicense3 — Apply license information to a git project.
- pylum — python lumerical templates
- pyp2spec — Generate a valid Fedora specfile from Python package from PyPI
- pytest-notebook — A pytest plugin for testing Jupyter Notebooks.
- pytimings — MPI Aware section timings
- pytorch-book — PyTorch Book.
- quantecon-book-theme — A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
- rio-vrt — A simple librairy to build a vrt from multiple raster source relying only on rasterio
- robotframework-lsp — Language Server Protocol implementation for Robot Framework
- robotframework-output-stream — Robot Framework Output Stream (a RF listener to provide an output that's compact and streamable).
- rst_to_myst — Convert RST to MyST-Markdown.
- sepal-ui — Wrapper for ipyvuetify widgets to unify the display of voila dashboards in SEPAL platform
- serialchemy — Serializers for SQLAlchemy models.
- sky130 — skywater130 pdk
- sphinx-autodoc2 — Analyse a python project and create documentation for it.
- sphinx-book-theme — A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx