Reverse Dependencies of readchar
The following projects have a declared dependency on readchar:
- acac — 競プロ便利 CLI ツール。AtCoder と アルゴ式 に対応。
- afwf-shell — Alfred Workflow Shell Simulator.
- airfold-cli — Airfold CLI
- anaconda-cli-base — A base CLI entrypoint supporting Anaconda CLI plugins
- anydb — Manage dotfiles with stow
- aprompt — Advanced Prompts
- apyanki — CLI script for interacting with local Anki collection
- ascender — The CLI tool for working with AscenderFramework: Installation, command execution and version management
- ascender-framework — The Ascender Framework is a sophisticated and structured FastAPI-based framework, inspired by the principles of NestJS. It stands out for its modular and organized architecture, offering developers a streamlined and efficient way to build web applications
- autopwn — Specify targets and run sets of tools against them
- aws-bastion-cli — AWS Bastion EC2 Server Stack Generator
- aws-cloud9-cli — AWS Cloud9 Environment Stack Generator
- aws-ecs-exec — A cli tool to conveniently execute commands in AWS ECS Tasks
- aws-iam-cli — AWS IAM CloudFormation Stack Generator
- aws-vpc-cli — AWS VPC CloudFormation Stack Generator
- axem-dem — Manager for Containerized Development Environments
- bitbucket-cloud-cli — Atlassian Bitbucket Cloud CLI
- bq-meta — BigQuery metadata
- brrrData — A tool for handling Excel files and data processing.
- cased-cli — A CLI tool for managing cloud infrastructure
- chalice-mail — SMTP and SES mail integration with AWS Chalice
- ci-watson — CI helper for STScI Jenkins
- circuitpython-tool — Command-line tool for interfacing with CircuitPython devices.
- conkeyscan — A Pentesters Confluence Keyword Scanner
- ctf-architect — A CTF challenge management tool
- cutie — Commandline User Tools for Input Easification
- database-event — Esse pacote tem como função facilitar a execução paralela e distribuida de funções apply pandas
- dataflow-meta — Dataflow metadata viewer
- dotstow — Manage dotfiles with stow
- dry-pipe — A Python DSL for bioinformatics pipelines
- enview — no summary
- es7s — es7s system (un-)installer, shared code, settings manager
- fairchem-demo-ocpapi — Python client library for the Open Catalyst API
- fasttyper — Minimalistic typing exercise
- FloriaConsoleGUI — Framework for console GUI apps
- forkbuntu — Easily create your own ubuntu distribution and install cd
- getpwd — Python tool to get a password from the user and display a masked value at the prompt.
- gfb — Find branches in a remote github repository
- gimmeshell — A comprehensive shell tool for reverse shell operations.
- git-darcs — Incremental import of git into darcs and back again
- gitsy — Git made easy
- gs-meta — Google cloud storage metadata viewer
- gtfu — Command line tool to Get pageTitle From Url.
- hangman-ultimate — A Game of Hangman
- harshpy — A Basic Demo pip package
- igit — Interactive git and more
- ingit — Tool for managing a large collection of repositories in git.
- inputconsole — A console for Python that will keep all output above the input line without interrupting the input line.
- inquirer — Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js
- inquirer3 — Collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js
- kivy-reloader — Hot reload your Kivy app on multiple Android phones and computer in real-time.
- lbg — Lebesgue Utility
- liniarote — The Liniarote package is a command-line interface for the Liniarote programming language, for use in performing operations in transvalent mathematics (i.e., in which division by zero is permitted and generates predictable results, displayed with the aid of the transvalent number symbol “Ƿ”).
- magiccommits — Magiccommit: Effortless Git Commits with AI
- mango-cli — Mangosoft CLI
- mangowg — A portfolio website generator
- mbg-exercise-client — Tool for lauching jupyter from docker containers
- mediainfo-generator — no summary
- mint-amazon-tagger — Fetches your Amazon order history and matching/tags your Mint transactions
- mngs — For lazy python users (monogusa people in Japanse), especially in ML/DSP fields
- monoplane — Monoplane is a tiny tool designed to help you run multiple processes in your local development environment. Especially useful for monorepos.
- moodle-dl — Moodle-DL downloads course content fast from Moodle (eg. lecture pdfs)
- moodlerpd — moodlerpd that downloads course content fast from moodle
- mpong — A simple pong game in Python
- mxdownloader — Download Manga using the MangaDex API
- ndpath — A command-line tool for managing and editing the PATH environment variables
- nebula-flute — nebula graph database toolkit python version
- nem-py — High-level wrapper for working with cryptocurrencies of the NEM ecosystem
- nightwatch-chat — The chatting application to end all chatting applications.
- ninjalinker — NinjaLinker : A secure Python-based CLI VPN tool developed on top of WireGuard
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- note-shell — Command line tool for making notes
- notionsci — Collection of scientific app/tool syncs for Notion
- ohmygod — Rich CLI tool powered by gods
- olympix-test-generator — Used to auto-generate unit tests for smart contracts using the Forge framework.
- Operon — Dataflow pipeline development framework, powered by Parsl
- otonagai-dl — A basic CLI tool to keep track of your favourite anime/manga/comics/pop culture merchandise
- pinsy — A Python package to help speed up the workflow of creating beautiful CLI apps.
- Pit2ya — Ergonomic continuation of Toggl time entries
- pmm-cfg-gen — A script to help automatically generate Plex Meta Manager configuration files for your libraries
- poketerm — Terminal welcome messages!
- prefect — Workflow orchestration and management.
- prefect-duckdb — Prefect intergrations with DuckDB.
- proteus-cli — no summary
- proteus-preprocessing — no summary
- pubsub-meta — Pub/Sub metadata viewer
- pulumi-select — dynamically select urns to apply from a pulumi preview
- pybud-gui — Create beautiful console GUIs in python, using Widgets, Dialogs, and more!
- pyclack-cli — A python library for building interactive command line interfaces effortlessly. Inspired by
- pyemenu — Easy and Simple kit for develop Text User Interfaces
- pygamelib — A (not so) small library for terminal based game development.
- pyiotools — Provides several utilities for handling I/O
- pymenu-console — Python console menu
- pymiscutils — Provides a wide range of useful classes and functions.
- pymoodle-jku — A client for the moodle page of JKU Linz.
- pyPreservicaGov — Python Library For Harvesting Modern.Gov Records into Preservica for Long Term Preservation
- PythonFunctions — A list of functions ready to install and use.
- questioner — A lightweight Python interface for annotating things.
- rcb4 — A python library for RCB4
- revel — Effortlessly spice up your terminal apps using colors, progressbars & more