Reverse Dependencies of rich-argparse
The following projects have a declared dependency on rich-argparse:
- protodeep — A tool to help reversing protobuf.
- pycomex — Python Computational Experiments
- pydrink — Distributed Reusage of Invaluable Nerd Kit (dotfile management)
- pytexmk — LaTeX 辅助编译命令行工具 LaTeX Auxiliary Compilation Command Line Tool
- python-license-manager — Python license manager
- python-package-info — Get Python package info
- reddit-post-scraping-tool — Retrieve Reddit posts that contain the specified keyword from a specified subreddit.
- redfetch — Download and publish EverQuest scripts and software using the RedGuides API
- reflectdetect — An automated workflow for in-flight radiometric calibration of UAV imagery
- remarshal — Convert between CBOR, JSON, MessagePack, TOML, and YAML
- restrun — no summary
- rsynccheck — Check the completeness of an rsync operation.
- rtasr — 🏆 Run benchmarks against the most common ASR tools on the market.
- rubisco — C+++ Repository Utilities.
- runjob — no summary
- scatac_fragment_tools — Tools for working with scATAC-seq fragment files.
- schneiderl-md2cf — Convert Markdown documents to Confluence
- scriptconfig — Easy dict-based script configuration with CLI support
- sendmyl — Simple lib to send mail
- shell-themer — Use consistent color themes for a variety of command line tools.
- sizes-cli — no summary
- smartlocate — Similiar to locate, but less stupid
- smile-config — Generate command line options from dataclasses.
- snipinator — Python code snippets for markdown files, e.g READMEs, from actual (testable) code.
- stonefish — Python code protection
- stonefish-code-shield — Python code protection
- stonefish-license-creator — Stonefish license creator for Python
- stonefish-license-manager — Stonefish license manager for Python
- striker — Minimal and Modular PyTorch Framework
- terminal-widgets — A fully functional program for Terminal to show information about system, display, shell, package and many more.
- tipsql-cli — tipsql command line interface
- toast-amplicon — A standalone bacterial amplicon designing tool (Tuberculosis Optimized Amplicon Sequencing Tool)
- toggl2moneybird — User-friendly command-line tool for synchronizing time entries from Toggl Track to Moneybird
- Toisto — Toisto is a command-line terminal app to practice languages.
- tomcatmanager — A command line tool and python library for managing a tomcat server.
- tominjinja — no summary
- traffic-taffy — A tool for doing differential analysis of pcap files
- typeshed-stats — Library and command-line tool to gather stats on typeshed packages
- ufs-pyutils — Python Toolbox of API used for UFS applications.
- unidep — Unified Conda and Pip requirements management.
- uppy — Command-line dependency updater
- yapx — The next generation of Python's Argparse.
- yash-ai — Just ask what shell should do for you