Reverse Dependencies of rich
The following projects have a declared dependency on rich:
- 0fdb5604 — no summary
- 0xble-utils — no summary
- 2048-cli — A small clone of 2048 for terminal, and also the implementation of an A.I. for it
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- 3b-bot — Quickly purchase items from Best Buy the moment they restock.
- 3Di-cmd-client — Python 3Di command line client
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- 3way — Freeway for network pentesting
- 564bff00ff-strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- a2d — Archive 4Chan threads to Discord
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- a2r — Archive (safe)-Removal Rolling Toolbox
- a2rl — Make recommendations for sequential decision problems using offline data
- a3m — Lightweight Archivematica
- a7n-global-cli — cli
- aaa1111 — An Api for Automatic1111
- aact_openhands — Openhands integrated with aact
- aaf — AAF (Agentic AI Framework)
- aai-jobq — no summary
- aaindexer — no summary
- Aaron — A python library of convenience
- ab-nic-sw — Alveo Burst NIC Control Software
- aba_cli_scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- abacus-py — A minimal yet valid double-entry accounting system in Python.
- abba-python — Aligning Big Brains and Atlases (ABBA), controlled from python.
- abi3audit — Scans Python wheels for abi3 violations and inconsistencies
- abin-sim — ABIN é um CLI para interagir com a API do Vault e auxiliar os Desenvolvedores nos projetos da SIMTech
- abml-cli — no summary
- abpower — Python package for parsing publicly-available data from the AESO ETS
- abraham_md — Converts University of Lincoln module files into a useful Obsidian Vault for keeping notes throughout the academic year, as well as revising at the end of an academic year.
- AbsBox — an analytical library for cashflow modeling on ABS/MBS products
- absfuyu — A small collection of code
- absorb — The extensible, feature-rich CLI workspace.
- abst — CLI Command making OCI Bastion and kubernetes usage simple and fast
- abtestools — AB Test Framework for Python
- abuild — A simple, language agnostic build tool
- abuseipdb-wrapper — python wrapper for abuseipdb API
- abusive-error-messages — Because programming isn't hard enough already
- abvio — A Python package to simplify VASP input files
- abx-spec-config — The common shared interfaces for the ABX ArchiveBox plugin ecosystem.
- acac — 競プロ便利 CLI ツール。AtCoder と アルゴ式 に対応。
- accelerate — Accelerate
- accomate — Accoladez + Automate = Accomate
- accuracy — It's pronounced accura-see. For spaCy models.
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acl-anthology — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- acmecse — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-dev — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acmecse-test — An open source CSE Middleware for Education
- acore-server-metadata — Azerothcore WOW server metadata for Fleet management.
- Acqua — no summary
- acquire — A tool to quickly gather forensic artifacts from disk images or a live system into a lightweight container
- acrosort-tex — no summary
- acsaver — acfunsdk - AcSaver
- acsuite-orangechannel — Frame-based cutting/trimming/splicing of audio with VapourSynth and FFmpeg.
- act4e-mcdp — no summary
- action-updater — Update deprecated command, versions, and other for GitHub actions
- ActionMan — no summary
- actionsheets — Provides a large collection of searchable quick-reference code-snippet sheets defined in terms of a desired action and corresponding code snippet.
- active-pr — an active report of PRs in the github
- actualpy — Implementation of the Actual API to interact with Actual over Python.
- ad_sdl.wei — The Rapid Prototyping Laboratory's Workflow Execution Interface.
- adala — Adala: Autonomous Data Labeling Agent
- adala-pk-test — ADALA: Automated Data Labeling Agent
- adaptive-scheduler — Run many `adaptive.Learner`s on many cores (>10k) using `mpi4py.futures`, `ipyparallel`, `dask-mpi`, or `process-pool`.
- adaptkeybert — AdaptKeyBERT extended keyphrase extraction with zero-shot and few-shot semi-supervised domain adaptation.
- adbclone — Better version of adb-sync for Python3
- adbcug-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to cuGraph & vice-versa.
- adbdgl-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to DGL & vice-versa.
- adbnx-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to NetworkX & vice-versa.
- adbpyg-adapter — Convert ArangoDB graphs to PyG & vice-versa.
- add_staves — Add empty staves for your analysis to your score.
- addcom — a CLI tool for adding comments to your source code files
- addepar-redflag — RedFlag uses AI to identify high-risk code changes. Run it in batch mode for release candidate testing or in CI pipelines to flag commits and add reviewers. RedFlag's flexible configuration makes it valuable for any team.
- AdDownloader — A cmd tool for downloading ads and their media content from the Meta Ad Library.
- ADDU — ADDU is a cli tool for creating and managing Dockerized ROS Environments
- adetailer — An object detection and auto-mask extension for stable diffusion webui.
- adeweb-docker-scripts — Various Docker scripts to facilitate server management and apps debugging
- adfluo — Pipeline-oriented feature extraction for multimodal datasets
- adhd — adhd enhancing llm utilities // just focus on building.
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- adpa — Advanced Data Processing and Analytics Framework
- adr — This Python script is designed to help software development teams document their architecture decisions using Architecture Decision Records (ADRs).
- adsdatahub-cli — no summary
- ADToolbox — A tool for modeling and optimization of anaerobic digestion process.
- adventofcode — Helper utilities for solving Advent of Code puzzles
- advpyneng-cli-course — CLI tool for running advpyneng tests
- aec-cli — AWS EC2 CLI
- AEngineConsole — Console applications engine.
- aeonsync — A simple but powerful rsync backup tool
- aeroplatform — A simple Data Infrastructure Platform
- AeroViz — Aerosol science
- aesir — Command line interface used for generating local Lightning test environment
- affinity-sync — Sync Affinity CRM data to a Postgres schema
- aflowey — Async flow made easy and fun
- AFragmenter — no summary
- afw — -
- afwf — A powerful framework enables fast and elegant development of Alfred Workflows in Python.
- agency-skej-framework — An open source agent orchestration framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.
- agency-swarm — An open source agent orchestration framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.