Reverse Dependencies of sphinx-gallery
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinx-gallery:
- abqpy — Type hints for Abaqus/Python scripting
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- acoular — Python library for acoustic beamforming
- acro — ACRO: Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs
- aiapy — Python library for AIA data analysis.
- aiida-aimall — A plugin to interface AIMAll with AiiDA
- allen1989 — Formalisms from Allen at al. 1989 paper
- alpa — Alpa automatically parallelizes large tensor computation graphs and runs them on a distributed cluster.
- alphacsc — Convolutional dictionary learning for noisy signals.
- alphazero — A template for playing games with alphazero.
- alsina2011 — Data and formalisms from Alsina et al. (2011)
- anaflow — AnaFlow - analytical solutions for the groundwater-flow equation.
- anlearn — Anomaly learn - the anomaly detection package
- ansys-additive-core — A Python client for the Ansys Additive service
- ansys-additive-widgets — Visualization toolkit for parametric additive simulations
- ansys-dpf-composites — Post-processing of composite structures based on Ansys DPF
- ansys-dynamicreporting-core — Python interface to Ansys Dynamic Reporting
- ansys-engineeringworkflow-api — API specification for an engineering workflow engine
- ansys-mapdl-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys MAPDL.
- ansys-math-core — A Python wrapper for PyAnsys Math libraries.
- ansys-mechanical-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Mechanical
- ansys-meshing-prime — PyPrimeMesh is a Python client to Ansys Prime Server, which delivers core Ansys meshing technology.
- ansys-modelcenter-workflow — A python wrapper for ModelCenter Desktop
- ansys-motorcad-core — Pythonic interface to Ansys Motor-CAD.
- ansys-optislang-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys optiSLang application.
- ansys-pyensight-core — A python wrapper for Ansys EnSight
- ansys-rocky-core — Python client library for Ansys Rocky
- ansys-sherlock-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Sherlock
- ansys-sound-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys DPF Sound.
- ansys-sphinx-theme — A theme devised by ANSYS, Inc. for Sphinx documentation.
- ansys-systemcoupling-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys System Coupling.
- ansys-tools-visualization-interface — A Python visualization interface for PyAnsys libraries
- ansys-units — Pythonic interface for units, unit systems, and unit conversions.
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- apytypes — Python package for custom fixed-point and floating-point formats
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- astromodule — Astronomy Tools
- astrospice — A package for finding SPICE kernels and using them with astropy coordinates.
- attune — Tools for tuning optical parametric amplifiers and multidimensional spectrometers.
- autoanno — Investigation into using AutoML and Topological Data Analysis for Automated Annotation
- autogluon-contrib-nlp — MXNet GluonNLP Toolkit (DeepNumpy Version)
- autopool — Adaptive pooling operators for multiple instance learning
- autopycoin — Deep learning models for forecasting purposes.
- autoPyTorch — Auto-PyTorch searches neural architectures using smac
- autoreject — Automated rejection and repair of epochs in M/EEG.
- aws-fortuna — A Library for Uncertainty Quantification.
- axisvm — A Python package for AxisVM.
- axopy — Human-computer interface experimentation library
- backpack-for-pytorch — BackPACK: Packing more into backprop
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- bapsflib — A toolkit for handling data collected at BaPSF
- bayesclass — A collection of Bayesian Estimators.
- bcx — Exchange API
- benchopt — Benchmark toolkit for optimization
- bifacial-radiance — Tools to interface with Radiance for the PV researcher
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- boostsrl — Python wrappers for using BoostSRL jar files.
- borch — Probabilistic programming using pytorch.
- Braindecode — Deep learning software to decode EEG, ECG or MEG signals
- brainweb-dl — Download BrainWeb MRI data
- brevitas — Quantization-aware training in PyTorch
- bsl — Real-time framework for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- bsplines2d — A python library for generic multidimensional bsplines on various meshes, using datastock
- buildcat — Lightweight, flexible render farm based on RQ and Redis.
- c-lasso — Algorithms for constrained Lasso problems
- calf-milp — A classifier that endeavors to solve the saddle point problem for AUC maximization.
- calfcv — Coarse approximation linear function with cross validation
- caliber — Model-agnostic calibration and performance enhancement.
- capcalc — Tools for performing coactivation pattern analysis on fMRI data.
- carat — Computer-Aided Rhythm Analysis Toolbox
- cardinal — Active learning python package
- carl-bench — CARL- Contextually Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
- cblearn — Comparison-based Machine Learning in Python.
- cebra — Consistent Embeddings of high-dimensional Recordings using Auxiliary variables
- celer — A fast algorithm with dual extrapolation for sparse problems
- cellarium-cas — Cellarium Cell Annotation Service client tool
- chalhoub2017 — Data and formalisms from Chalhoub et al. 2017 paper
- cicada-mpc — Flexible toolkit for fault tolerant secure multiparty computation.
- coastpy — Python tools for cloud-native coastal analytics.
- code_genie — Copilot to supercharge your notebooks
- cogsworth — A framework for performing self-consistent population synthesis and orbital integration
- coix — Inference Combinators in JAX
- ColGenEstimator — Classifiers using column generation
- commonocean-io — Python tool to read, write, and visualize CommonOcean scenarios and solutions for automated vessels.
- commot — Cell-cell communications inference for spatial transcriptomics data via optimal transport.
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- convst — The Random Dilation Shapelet Transform algorithm and associated works
- costa2019 — Data from canopy and soil thermal patterns in vineyards
- cpa-tools — Compositional Perturbation Autoencoder (CPA)
- cpctools — A package for analysing molecular systems
- cpvlib — CPV Systems modeling
- cpymadtools — Lightweigth pythonic wrapper around cpymad, extracted from pyhdtoolkit
- credoai-connect — Credo AI Connect: Integration point for Credo AI Governance Platform
- credoai-lens — Lens: comprehensive assessment framework for AI systems
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- curvlinops-for-pytorch — scipy Linear operators for curvature matrices in PyTorch
- cyclehunter — Framework for Discrete Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos