Reverse Dependencies of sphinxcontrib-bibtex
The following projects have a declared dependency on sphinxcontrib-bibtex:
- access — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- access-jamessaxon — Calculate spatial accessibility metrics.
- AdcircPy — Python package for working with ADCIRC input and output files
- aggregate — Tools for creating and working with aggregate probability distributions.
- ahgregate — Command line and other utilties for aggregate.
- aj-abydos-mod — Fork of the Abydos NLP/IR library
- ampform — Automatically generate symbolic amplitude models for Partial Wave Analysis
- ampform-dpd — Symbolic expressions for Dalitz-Plot Decomposition
- ampligraph — A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
- arraylib-solve — Tool to computationally deconvolve combinatorially pooled arrayed random mutagenesis libraries
- ashx — Geometry and mesh tools
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- ASTRA-KernelKit — CuPy-based Projectors for Computed Tomography
- auto-pi-lot — Distributed behavioral experiments
- axisvm — A Python package for AxisVM.
- ba-abydos — Fork of the Abydos NLP/IR library
- bapsf_motion — Package for controlling motion devices in a BaPSF DAQ system
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bayte — Bayesian target encoding with scikit-learn and scipy
- bcforms — Toolkit for concretely describing macromolecular complexes
- beetroots — Beetroots (BayEsian infErence with spaTial Regularization of nOisy multi-line ObservaTion mapS)
- bidsmreye — bids app using deepMReye to decode eye motion for fMRI time series data
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- biolord — A deep generative framework for disentangling known and unknown attributes in single-cell data.
- biomass — A Python Framework for Modeling and Analysis of Signaling Systems
- biosofa — Probabilistic factor analysis model with covariate guided factors
- birdhouse-finch — A Web Processing Service for Climate Indicators.
- blackbox-mpc — BlackBox MPC - Model Predictive Control withsampling based optimizers
- bolero — sequence
- bolero-process — Data preprocessing for bolero package
- borch — Probabilistic programming using pytorch.
- bpforms — Unambiguous representation of modified DNA, RNA, and proteins
- bsl — Real-time framework for online neuroscience research through LSL-compatible devices.
- BubbleDet — A package for computing functional determinants
- byte-triggers — Provides byte (0 to 255) triggers on serial/parallel ports and on LSL streams.
- CADET-Process — A Framework for Modelling and Optimizing Advanced Chromatographic Processes
- CADET-RDM — A Python toolbox for research data management.
- cardiac-geometries — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-mps — Tools for working with caridac mps files
- cartogram — Compute continous cartograms (anamorphic maps)
- cat-python — Cluster Alignment Tool (CAT)
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- CausalPy — Causal inference for quasi-experiments in Python
- ccp-performance — Centrifugal Compressor Performance calculation.
- cedar-datacube — Creator for Analysis Ready Data (ARD)
- cellcharter — A Python package for the identification, characterization and comparison of spatial clusters from spatial -omics data.
- celldino — Cellular decomposition of intrinsic and niche-induced omic effects
- cellocity — Velocity and vector analysis of microscopy data
- cellrank — CellRank: dynamics from multi-view single-cell data
- ceruleo — Remaining useful life estimation utilities
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- chame — Chromatin accessibility module
- chaospy — Numerical tool for performing uncertainty quantification
- chattest — A Library for deep chat
- checkpwd — Check data breaches
- chemprop — Molecular Property Prediction with Message Passing Neural Networks
- chirho — Causal reasoning
- circulation — Closed loop blood circulation model in FEniCS
- clickpoints — Scientific toolbox for manual and automatic image evaluation.
- climpred — """Verification of weather and climate forecasts and prediction."""
- cobramod — Python package for pathway-centric modification and extension of genome-scale metabolic networks
- cobyqa — Constrained Optimization BY Quadratic Approximations
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cogsworth — A framework for performing self-consistent population synthesis and orbital integration
- colorsynth — A Python library for creating false-color images from arrays of spectral radiance
- colour-science — Colour Science for Python
- ComponentVis — Package to visualise component-based decomposition models such as PCA and PARAFAC
- conflowgen — A generator for synthetic container flows at maritime container terminals with a focus on yard operations
- conv-opt — High-level Python package for solving linear and quadratic optimization problems using multiple solvers
- copasi-basico — Simplified COPASI interface for python
- cords — cords is a package for data subset selection for efficient and robust machine learning.
- coreax — Jax coreset algorithms.
- corelay — Quickly compose single-machine analysis pipelines.
- coxeter — Tools for creating and manipulating shapes.
- cpymadtools — Lightweigth pythonic wrapper around cpymad, extracted from pyhdtoolkit
- cr-sparse — Accelerated sparse representations and compressive sensing
- cr-wavelets — Wavelets with JAX
- crested — CREsted: Cis-Regulatory Element Sequence Training, Explanation, and Design
- crikit — Constitutive Relation Inference Toolkit
- ctapipe — Event reconstruction framework for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes developed for CTAO.
- ctis — A Python library for characterizing and using the CCD cameras developed by Marshall Space Flight Center.
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- CurviRiver — Generate curvilinear mesh from river outline polygons
- cutgeneratingfunctionology — Python code for computation and experimentation with cut-generating functions
- cwepr — Package for handling cw-EPR data.
- d2lbook — Create an online book with Jupyter Notebooks and Sphinx
- d2py — Dive into Python.
- dacy — A Danish pipeline trained in SpaCy that has achieved State-of-the-Art performance on all dependency parsing, NER and POS-tagging for Danish
- datanator-query-python — A package to query and format the data in the integrated Datanator database
- de-sim — object-oriented, discrete-event simulation tool for data-intensive modeling of complex systems
- dedup-rs — A Rust library for deduplication of documents
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deepmd-kit-cu11 — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deeptime — Python library for analysis of time series data including dimensionality reduction, clustering, and Markov model estimation.
- delphi — A framework for assembling probabilistic models from text.
- deta-hub — Note Demo
- dingo-gw — Deep inference for gravitational-wave observations
- Diofant — Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
- discopy — The Python toolkit for computing with string diagrams.