Reverse Dependencies of wheel
The following projects have a declared dependency on wheel:
- 0x-web3 —
- 123tv-iptv — 123TV Free IPTV
- 7Wonder-RL-Lib — Gymnasium Environment for the game Seven Wonders
- a2ml — A powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
- a2y-builda2y — no summary
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-bom — Architecture-as-Code (AaC) plugin for material modeling. Rigorously track your sites, assemblies, and parts.
- aaltopoiju — Screen scraper for
- abbr-cli — A command-line tool to look up abbreviations for terms (and the reverse).
- aberoth-ephemeris — Provides predictions for scroll and lunar events in the MMO Aberoth
- abexp — Python A/B testing experiment library
- abgleich — zfs sync tool
- abk-bwp — Bing wallpaper wrapper
- AboutCode — Document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories, generate attribution documentation.
- abrax — Cross platform circuit transpiler
- absdataset — A collection of dataset
- abstracts — Abstract class and interface definitions
- achakra — A useful module
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- acsoo — Acsone Odoo Dev Tools
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- actk — Automated Cell Toolkit
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- ad-ci-tools — Ci library with miscellaneous utils
- adamalib — Adama Library
- adaptive-classifier — A flexible, adaptive classification system for dynamic text classification
- adcm-client — ArenaData Cluster Manager Client
- added-value — Sphinx extension for embedding values extracted from Python modules
- addressable-sql-queries — Individualize the queries of a SQL script and make them easily addressable
- addressformatting — Formatting utility for international postal addresses
- adgmaker — Create Free Ableton Live Instruments from Philharmonic Samples
- Adjacency — Computer Vision algorithm implementations
- admin-extra-urls — Django mixin to easily add urls to any ModelAdmin
- advanced-pw-gen — An advanced password generator
- advanced-ssh-config — Add some magic to SSH and .ssh/config
- ae-ae — ae namespace-root: bundling and maintaining templates and documentation of the portions of this namespace.
- ae-base — ae namespace module portion base: basic constants, helper functions and context manager
- ae-cdnz — ae namespace module portion cdnz: distribute to and retrieve files from content delivery networkz
- ae-cloud-storage — ae namespace module portion cloud_storage: distribute files to and retrieve them from cloud storage hosts.
- ae-console — ae namespace module portion console: console application environment
- ae-core — ae namespace module portion core: application core constants, helper functions and base classes
- ae-db-core — ae namespace module portion db_core: database connection and data manipulation base classes
- ae-db-ora — ae namespace module portion db_ora: database system core layer to access Oracle databases
- ae-db-pg — ae namespace module portion db_pg: postgres database layer
- ae-deep — ae namespace module portion deep: easy handling of deeply nested data structures
- ae-django-utils — ae namespace module portion django_utils: helpers for django projects
- ae-droid — ae namespace module portion droid: android constants and helper functions
- ae-dynamicod — ae namespace module portion dynamicod: dynamic execution of code blocks and expressions
- ae-enaml-app — ae namespace package portion enaml_app: enaml application widgets, helper functions and classes
- ae-files — ae namespace module portion files: generic file object helpers
- ae-gui-app — ae namespace package portion gui_app: base class for python applications with a graphical user interface
- ae-gui-help — ae namespace package portion gui_help: main app base class with context help for flow and app state changes
- ae-i18n — ae namespace package portion i18n: internationalization / localization helpers
- ae-inspector — ae namespace module portion inspector: inspection and debugging helper functions
- ae-kivy — ae namespace package portion kivy: core application classes and widgets for GUIApp-conform Kivy apps
- ae-kivy-app — ae namespace package portion kivy_app: main application classes and widgets for GUIApp-conform Kivy apps
- ae-kivy-auto-width — ae namespace module portion kivy_auto_width: automatic width mix-in classes for kivy widgets
- ae-kivy-dyn-chi — ae namespace module portion kivy_dyn_chi: dynamic children mix-in for kivy container widgets
- ae-kivy-file-chooser — ae namespace module portion kivy_file_chooser: extended kivy file chooser widget
- ae-kivy-glsl — ae namespace module portion kivy_glsl: add glsl shaders to your kivy widget
- ae-kivy-help — ae namespace package portion kivy_help: enhance your app with context help, user onboarding, product tours, walkthroughs and tutorials
- ae-kivy-iterable-displayer — ae namespace module portion kivy_iterable_displayer: iterable displayer widget
- ae-kivy-qr-displayer — ae namespace package portion kivy_qr_displayer: qr code displayer widget
- ae-kivy-relief-canvas — ae namespace module portion kivy_relief_canvas: inner/outer elliptic/square reliefs for any kivy widget
- ae-kivy-sideloading — ae namespace package portion kivy_sideloading: kivy mixin and widgets to integrate a sideloading server in your app
- ae-kivy-user-prefs — ae namespace package portion kivy_user_prefs: user preferences widgets for your kivy app
- ae-lisz-app-data — ae namespace package portion lisz_app_data: lisz demo app data handling
- ae-literal — ae namespace module portion literal: literal type detection and evaluation
- ae-lockname — ae namespace module portion lockname: named threading locks
- ae-notify — ae namespace module portion notify: send notifications via email, telegram or whatsapp
- ae-oaio-client — ae namespace module portion oaio_client: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Client
- ae-oaio-model — ae namespace module portion oaio_model: Our Asynchronously Interchangeable Objects Data Structures
- ae-parse-date — ae namespace module portion parse_date: parse date strings more flexible and less strict
- ae-paths — ae namespace module portion paths: generic file path helpers
- ae-progress — ae namespace module portion progress: display progress of long-running processes
- ae-sideloading-server — ae namespace module portion sideloading_server: sideloading server
- ae-sys-core — ae namespace module portion sys_core: dynamic system configuration, initialization and connection
- ae-sys-core-sh — ae namespace module portion sys_core_sh: SiHOT PMS system core xml interface
- ae-sys-data — ae namespace module portion sys_data: external system data structures
- ae-sys-data-sh — ae namespace module portion sys_data_sh: Sihot system data interface
- ae-transfer-service — ae namespace module portion transfer_service: transfer client and server services
- ae-updater — ae namespace module portion updater: application environment updater
- ae-valid — ae namespace module portion valid: data validation helper functions
- aedev-aedev — aedev namespace-root: aedev namespace root, providing setup, development and documentation tools/templates for Python projects.
- aedev-git-repo-manager — aedev namespace package portion git_repo_manager: create and maintain local/remote git repositories of Python projects
- aedev-pythonanywhere — aedev namespace module portion pythonanywhere: web api for and
- aedev-setup-hook — aedev namespace module portion setup_hook: individually configurable setup hook
- aedev-setup-project — aedev namespace module portion setup_project: project setup helper functions
- aedev-tpl-app — aedev namespace package portion tpl_app: aedev_tpl_add module main module
- aedev-tpl-namespace-root — aedev namespace package portion tpl_namespace_root: templates and outsourced files for namespace root projects.
- aedev-tpl-project — aedev namespace package portion tpl_project: outsourced Python project files templates
- aegea — Amazon Web Services Operator Interface
- aeroapi-python — FlightAware AeroAPI Caller for Python
- affinda — Client library for the Affinda API
- AFMReader — Read and retrieve data from various AFM file formats.
- afnaan — My first Python package <tutorial>
- afplay-py — A wrapper around macOS afplay
- afw — -
- agave-pyclient — A Python client for the Agave 3d volume renderer
- agentforge — AI-driven task automation system