
gui_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's GUI programs. If a project defines a gui_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
vb-toolbox vb_gui
vdaq-ana analyze_data
vdaq-ana getFileInfo
vdaq-ana getSpectrum
vdaq-ana show_data
vdaq-soap analyzeHoldDelay
vdaq-soap analyzeMbias
vdaq-soap soapCheckAliVata
vdaq-soap soapHoldDelay
vdaq-soap soapMbias
vdaq-soap soapTestChannel
vericold-plotter vericold-plotter
vfd vfdgui
vidcutter vidcutter
videomass videomass
vidhub-control vidhubcontrol-ui
vidscaler vidscaler-gui
virtual-ipm virtual-ipm-gui
visualequation visualequation
VisualGraphDebugger-zacharyh211 vgd
ViTables vitables
vocr vocr-gui
vos-data-utils shortcut2
vos-mjjo shortcut2
vrecord vvv
vrequest ee
vrequest vrequest
vrequest vv
vspscripts-python csLabelTool
vspscripts-python csViewer
wage-labor-record wlr
wallverse wallverse
WaveMonitor start-wave-monitor
wavytool wavytool
waypaper waypaper
weboob-qt qbooblyrics
weboob-qt qboobmsg
weboob-qt qboobtracker
weboob-qt qcineoob
weboob-qt qcookboob
weboob-qt qflatboob
weboob-qt qgalleroob
weboob-qt qhandjoob
weboob-qt qhavedate
weboob-qt qvideoob
weboob-qt qwebcontentedit
weboob-qt weboob-config-qt
weeb-guidance weeb-guidance
wek wek
well-being-diary well-being-diary
WereSync weresync-gui
wfuzz wxfuzz
wg-reflib wg-reflib-gui
whackerhero whackerhero
whatlang-pyo3 batch_detect
whatlang-pyo3 detect
whatlang-pyo3 detect_lang
whatlang-pyo3 detect_script
where-to where-to
WikidPadMP wikidpad
wildbits wildbits
winotify winotify-nc
winpdb-reborn winpdb
Winstree winstreer
wiremapper wiremapper
witaker-clipboard-server witaker-clipboard-server-gui
wortfilter wortfilter
WoW_Commodities wow-commodities
writerblocks writerblocks-gui
wwvb wwvbtk
xanespy xanespy-viewer
XFNTR xfntr
xfntr-win xfntr
xfntrwin xfntrwin
xicam xicam
xinput-gui xinput-gui
yaogua yaogua_gui
yapomo yapomo
ypkpathway ypkpathway
z3-tracker z3-tracker
z3-tracker z3tracker
zero-play zero_play
Zipped-Album-Player zap
Zipped-Album-Player zipped-album-player
zorroautomator automator
zorroautomator ims
zxlive zxlive