- 1942pyc — 24/7 Fortnite Lobbybot With Admin Controls
- 19434010112 — 一个打包案例
- 19CS30055-package — My package
- 19CS30055-package1 — My package
- 19CS30055-Q2 — My package
- 1a23-telemetry — 1A23 Telemetry Toolkit
- 1build — Frictionless way of managing project-specific commands.
- 1d3-checkout-sdk — no summary
- 1lever-utils — utils
- 1neuron-pypi-overlordiam — An implementation of Perceptron
- 1NeuronPerceptron-Pypi-mdnazmulislam0087 — its an implimentation of Perceptron
- 1OS — 1OS
- 1pass2pass — Utility for transfer items from the 1password (*.1pif files) to the pass
- 1password — A Python client and wrapper around the 1Password CLI.
- 1password-secrets — 1password-secrets is a set of utilities to sync 1Password secrets.
- 1Password-Utility — 1Password_Utility is a Python package providing utility functions for interacting with 1Password via the command-line interface (CLI). It simplifies the process of retrieving credentials from 1Password vaults within your Python scripts, making it easier to automate tasks and securely manage sensitive information.
- 1primo1 — Muestra los numeros primos desde 1 hasta n
- 1Q847 — 模拟操作
- 1RF21IS005 — no summary
- 1secMail — 📧 Simple and intuitive, yet full featured API wrapper for, supporting both synchronous and asynchronous operations.
- 1secmailpythonwarper — A useful module for
- 1st — no summary
- 1st-Folder — no summary
- 1zlab-emp-ide — EasyMicroPython IDE online hosted DjangoApp.
- 1zlab-homepage — 1zlab website homepage.
- 2020 — no summary
- 2021assignment1calculator1 — no summary
- 2021ccps3 — A small example package
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 2022-assignment1-ITIS — assignment 1
- 20220429-pdfminer-jameslp310 — no summary
- 2023-assignement-DevOps — Assignment1
- 2023-ASSIGNMENT-PYTHONPIPELINE-DSCF — Progetto pipeline GitLab
- 2023-assignment1-DevOps — Assignment1
- 2023-assignment1-viewscounter — Questo assignment si concentra sulla creazione di un'applicazione che conta e monitora le visualizzazioni degli utenti
- 2023-Whit3-H4t-Sc4nn3r-Fir5t — Automation tool for scanning and analyzing vulnerabilities
- 2024calc — no summary
- 2024OSS-PyPi-dinogarlic — nice calculator
- 2048 — Quantum's version of the 2048 game, with multi-instance support,restored from an old high school project.
- 2048-cli — A small clone of 2048 for terminal, and also the implementation of an A.I. for it
- 2048-py — 2048 written in Python by the Ladue High School Computer Science Club
- 2048-Wallpaper-Edition — no summary
- 2048game — no summary
- 20CS30064MyPackage — A package
- 20XX — =?utf-8?b?MjBYWCBpcyBhIFBldHRpbmdab28tYmFzZWQgbGlicmFyeSBmb3IgTWVsZWUuICjijJDilqBf4pagKQ==?=
- 21234191-cpp-pkg — A short description of my package
- 2143134 — oss - dev testaa
- 21CMMC — An extensible MCMC framework for 21cmFAST
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- 2267570-hw4 — no summary
- 22BEE0039 — A sample package from Sameer Bisht.
- 22BEE0040 — A small package which does addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of two whole numbers.
- 22BEE0060 — My first python package
- 23andme-to-vcf — A simple script to convert 23andMe raw data files to VCF format.
- 24-06-17 — A small example package
- 2404-segmentation-pipeline — no summary
- 2434 — no summary
- 24p — 24Point
- 24ur-api — Unofficial 24ur API
- 2b2t — A 2b2t toolbox.
- — A package for all things 2b2t
- 2b4cad69c8f0478caa92a512e57b735aba978d0e — no summary
- 2captcha-python — Python module for easy integration with 2Captcha API
- 2captcha-solver — Python module for easy integration with 2Captcha API'
- 2ch-downloader — Download all files of thread.
- 2d — 2d is the ultimate package for 2d games
- 2D-cellular-automaton — A package to visualize elementary 2D cellular automata with multiple starting indicies
- 2D-Panel-CFD — 2D_Panel CFD solver
- 2d6io-cryptobot — A crypto buy/sell analysis tool
- 2dwavesim — Simulate waves on 2D surfaces with arbitrary shape/size!
- 2dxPlay — Play a .2dx file.
- 2fas — Unofficial implementation of 2fas for Python (as a CLI tool)
- 2Feeds — A cli to read feeds
- 2gis — 2gis library for Python
- 2hcord — this Module is suppoting Restore bot`s Developer
- 2ip — API Client.
- 2Keys — A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone.
- 2lazy2rest — Effortless generation of PDF, HTML & ODT documents from RST (ReStructuredText)
- 2mp4 — Simple utility to convert your video files into mp4s.
- 2ppy — no summary
- 2rage-brain-games — 2rage-brain-games is a set of console-based brain games built in Python. Each game provides a different mental challenge, ranging from calculations and number theory to recognition of even numbers. The project includes games like 'brain-even', 'brain-calc', 'brain-gcd', 'brain-progression', and 'brain-prime'. Test your mental agility and have fun with this collection of games!
- 2rage-py-challenges — Some python challenges
- 2to3 — Adds the 2to3 command directly to entry_points.
- 2vyper — no summary
- 2wf90-assignment — Our attempt at the first software assignment.
- 2xh-leet — Library of Eclectic Experiments by Tenchi
- 3 — Hey
- 3-python-package-exercise-17 — A simple Wordle-like game to play in the terminal.
- 30627-CAIQ — Python functions for controlling Arduino devices
- 310 — A example Python package
- 310-notebook — A JupyterLab extension.
- 321 — no summary
- 32blit — 32Blit asset preparation and upload tools
- 360blockscope — Block scoping for python
- 360monitoringcli — 360 Monitoring CLI
- 3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59 — Confidential
- 365scores — 365scores
- 392304jk324nkkl — An example package. Generated with cookiecutter-pylibrary.
- 3b-bot — Quickly purchase items from Best Buy the moment they restock.
- 3d — 3D makes 3D game design easy