- a-n-plus-b — CSS <An+B> microsyntax parser
- a-o-lib-001 — A small example package
- a-pandas-ex-adb-activities2df — Converts AndroidManifest.xml into a Pandas DataFrame (with all activities, queries, permissions ...)
- a-pandas-ex-adb-execute-activities — Creates (partial) functions for every Android activity using ADB
- a-pandas-ex-adb-settings-to-df — # Parses all Android config files (json/db/xml) in the /data/ folder and returns an easy-to-handle DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-adb-to-df — Use the power of pandas to manage the files on your Android device
- a-pandas-ex-apply-against-all — Apply each value in a column against the whole column
- a-pandas-ex-apply-ignore-exceptions — Use DataFrame.apply / Series.apply with a default value for Exceptions
- a-pandas-ex-automate-win32 — Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas! Without pywin32, only ctypes!
- a-pandas-ex-bs4df — One-line-web-scraping by combining pandas and BeautifulSoup4
- a-pandas-ex-bs4df-lite — Light version of a_pandas_ex_bs4df
- a-pandas-ex-bstcfg2df — Edit bluestacks.conf with pandas
- a-pandas-ex-closest-color — Calculates the closest colors from 2 lists
- a-pandas-ex-closest-neighbours — Find the lower and upper neighbours in a pandas.Series
- a-pandas-ex-column-reduce — Apply reduce against a whole Pandas Series
- a-pandas-ex-columns-and-index — Some useful methods for columns / index in Pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-combinatoric-iterators-to-df — Creates DataFrames from product, permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement with best dtype
- a-pandas-ex-console-plot — Retro Pandas - Plotting back in 1985
- a-pandas-ex-crosstab-dict — Pandas DataFrame to dict with crosstab DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-css-selector-from-html — Generates all possible CSS selector combinations from an HTML string - Speed up your Selenium automation!
- a-pandas-ex-csv-plus — When pd.read_csv(csvstring, sep=r'\s+') doesn't work ...
- a-pandas-ex-df-to-string — Just a function to convert everything in Pandas DataFrames / Series to string
- a-pandas-ex-df-updater — Update a DataFrame/Series with the values of another
- a-pandas-ex-df2htmlstring — exports pandas DataFrames/Series as HTML (formatted string that looks like a table!)
- a-pandas-ex-dillpickle — Pickle pandas DataFrames without AttributeError: Can't pickle local object ...
- a-pandas-ex-drop-duplicates-without-pain — Some useful methods for columns / index in Pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-dumpsys-to-df — ADB 'dumpsys package' to Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-duplicates-to-df — Creates a DataFrame/Series from duplicates
- a-pandas-ex-easy-loc — Search and replace values with df.loc without Exceptions due to dtype incompatibility
- a-pandas-ex-enumerate-groups — Groups values in a column of a DataFrame and enumerates them
- a-pandas-ex-excel-edit — If you have to change a lot of arbitrary values which don't have a clear pattern, use Excel!
- a-pandas-ex-fast-string — Up to 4x faster than Series.str.contains / Series.eq - can handle Unicode!
- a-pandas-ex-fastloc — Up to 25 times faster than df.loc by combining and numexpr.evaluate (works with utf-8)
- a-pandas-ex-fastsort — Speedup up to 40 percent when sorting Pandas index/Series
- a-pandas-ex-fuzz — Intuitive way of using fuzz matching in pandas
- a-pandas-ex-fuzzymerge — Merges two DataFrames using fuzzy matching on specified columns
- a-pandas-ex-google-book-search-to-df — Google book search to Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-group-coordinates-by-distance — Group coordinates by euclidean distance
- a-pandas-ex-horizontal-explode — Explode list/tuples in columns
- a-pandas-ex-html-view — View/save any Pandas DataFrame/Series as HTML, works with MultiIndex as well
- a-pandas-ex-image-tools — Uses pandas/numpy/numexpr for operations on pictures - very fast
- a-pandas-ex-imap2df — imap to pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-inspect2df — Converts the output of some inspect functions to a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-intersection-difference — Computes the intersection/symmetric difference of n DataFrames/Series
- a-pandas-ex-less-memory-more-speed — A Python package to reduce the memory usage of pandas DataFrames. It speeds up your workflow and reduces the risk of running out of memory.
- a-pandas-ex-loc-no-exceptions — Search through all columns of a DataFrame without worrying about Exceptions
- a-pandas-ex-logcat2df — ADB logcat to Pandas DataFrame for better debugging
- a-pandas-ex-logsplit — Splits a DataFrame/Series logarithmically
- a-pandas-ex-lookupdict — Creates a lookup dict from a Pandas DataFrame (tuples as keys / np as values)
- a-pandas-ex-melt-pivot-tools — Some useful melt / pivot stuff for pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-memorydump-to-df — Load a ProcDump memory dump into a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-mindex-aggregate — Aggregates multiple columns of a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-multiloc — Search for multiple values in multiple columns of a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-multimerge — Merges multiple DataFrames, ignores Exceptions if desired
- a-pandas-ex-numexpr — Pandas DataFrame/Series operations 8 times faster (or even more)
- a-pandas-ex-obj-into-cell — Puts objects into cells / columns of a Pandas Dataframe
- a-pandas-ex-old-school-for-loop — How about an old school inplace-for-loop for Pandas DataFrames? :)
- a-pandas-ex-pairwise-explode — Pairwise explode columns in a pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-plode-tool — No more sleepless nights due to a nested dict, json, list or whatsoever
- a-pandas-ex-read-charsep-frames — Reads data separated by any char
- a-pandas-ex-read-sql — Convert any SQL Database to a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-reg2df — Never mind regedit.exe, here is reg2df
- a-pandas-ex-regex-enhancements — Get repeated capture groups, search without having to fear Exceptions in any df/Series, convert results to appropriate dtypes, use fast Trie regex
- a-pandas-ex-sequence-search — Sequence / string search with NumPy in pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-set — Finds intersections / differences between pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-split — Several methods to split a pandas DataFrame/Series
- a-pandas-ex-split-on-common-char — Splits the elements in a Series using a common separator character and returns a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-split-on-common-string — Split a Pandas.Series on a common string
- a-pandas-ex-string-to-dtypes — Convert a Pandas DataFrame/Series with dtype str/string/object to the best available dtypes
- a-pandas-ex-tesseract-multirow-regex-fuzz — Regex/Fuzz search across multiple rows/Tesseract to pandas.DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-text-compare — Compares 2 texts with each other, and returns a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-to-dict — Pandas DataFrame to nested dict
- a-pandas-ex-to-tuple — Converts pandas DataFrames/Series into Iterator[tuple]
- a-pandas-ex-uiautomator-to-df — ADB uiautomator dump to Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-vertical-to-horizontal — Vertical to horizontal (Series to DataFrame with multiple columns)
- a-pandas-ex-whatsapp-to-df — Use the power of pandas to search through your WhatsApp messages (Doesn't require root access!)
- a-pandas-ex-xml2df — nested XML to dict/DataFrame
- a-parser — A-Parser API Module
- a-pip-structure — no summary
- a-poem — Python dependency management and packaging made easy.
- a-python-package — A Python package
- a-pytube-fork-for-spotdl-users — Python 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
- a-rename — no summary
- a-sample-classification-model — sample Classification model package.
- a-sane-logger — A simple logging configuration module
- a-selenium-absolute-screencoords — Calculates the absolute screen coordinates of any Selenium element so that you can click on them with every basic automation tool
- a-selenium-add-special-keys — Adds some useful keys from the chrome.debugger library to Selenium
- a-selenium-better-sendkeys — As reliable as send_keys, but almost as fast as execute_script(arguments[0].value=...)
- a-selenium-click-on-coords — Selenium mouse clicks on x,y coordinates
- a-selenium-download-without-asking — Downloads are started automatically
- a-selenium-errorhandler — Ignores all ChromeDriver Exceptions, returns the Exception(s) as string
- a-selenium-get-source-from-all-frames — Get the whole updated HTML source code from every frame (not driver.page_source)
- a-selenium-get-with-timeout — No more getting stuck with not reacting URLs
- a-selenium-iframes-crawler — No more pain with iframes ...
- a-selenium-keys2coords — Takes a screenshot of every element on a site
- a-selenium-kill — A decorator to kill Chrome if Selenium/ChromeDriver got stuck
- a-selenium-screenshot-whole-page — Takes a screenshot from a whole page (same size as page / no repeating parts)
- a-selenium-screenshots-all-elements — Takes a screenshot of every element on a site
- a-selenium-scroll-down-forever — Scrolls down on a page
- a-selenium-some-js — A couple of useful JS scripts for Selenium