
View on PyPIReverse Dependencies (0)

1.1.0 unifs-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl

Wheel Details

Project: unifs
Version: 1.1.0
Filename: unifs-1.1.0-py3-none-any.whl
Download: [link]
Size: 16112
MD5: 9393a712b4a4962be687d9f00175828e
SHA256: 16429973519d2545f43cfd360d68c0ee1f5431a661e8a6bb7c36e9767d82c4e6
Uploaded: 2023-01-22 19:30:21 +0000



Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: unifs
Version: 1.1.0
Summary: Unified FS-like CLI for S3, GCS, ADLS, HDFS, SMB, Dropbox, Google Drive, and dozens of other file systems
Author: candidtim
Project-Url: Homepage, https://github.com/candidtim/unifs
Project-Url: Repository, https://github.com/candidtim/unifs
Project-Url: Documentation, https://github.com/candidtim/unifs/blob/main/README.md
Project-Url: Issues, https://github.com/candidtim/unifs/issues
License: BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2023 candidtim Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
Keywords: fs,shell
Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
Classifier: Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: Topic :: Desktop Environment :: File Managers
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Filesystems
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities
Requires-Python: >=3.7
Requires-Dist: click (<9,>=8.1.3)
Requires-Dist: fsspec (>=2022.11)
Requires-Dist: tomli-w (<2,>=1)
Requires-Dist: appdirs (<2,>=1.4.4)
Requires-Dist: dacite (<2,>=1.7.0)
Requires-Dist: tomli (<3,>=2.0.1); python_version < "3.11"
Requires-Dist: pytest (<8,>=7); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: pytest-cov (<5,>=4); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: coverage (<8,>=7); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: flake8 (<5,>=4); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: black (<23,>=22.6.0); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: isort (<6,>=5.10.1); extra == "dev"
Requires-Dist: pyright (<2,>=1.1.286); extra == "dev"
Provides-Extra: dev
Description-Content-Type: text/markdown
License-File: LICENSE
[Description omitted; length: 4869 characters]


Wheel-Version: 1.0
Generator: bdist_wheel (0.38.4)
Root-Is-Purelib: true
Tag: py3-none-any


Path Digest Size
unifs/config.py sha256=8FmWGzOONifjfWkH8SZG20B2SpMtd9kzvWVxVmNi6I0 3511
unifs/exceptions.py sha256=kkhUtjMEBDH_avs76KbWLtdipyfIwpc8FM6N3m6-CmE 543
unifs/file_system.py sha256=77TjM_6WRcuocTkJlHGBlypvpdv1ncvIRT_tOTb-vDs 4108
unifs/logging.py sha256=qt9EJTyy3zEudC8xpvSyQHkf73WJv5sad8IAWCtvy-g 1109
unifs/tui.py sha256=UlAPPKSkgERIwl39Ji3Ygxy3veGsqATwKQDd05MoDGs 1804
unifs/util.py sha256=TNmEC5116I2MKpJ8Uo9ueDh86UYYhyHfPY3KCzOJc-o 1403
unifs/cli/conf.py sha256=DXGROcAwcOX9mm6LM0_Wj-FP-7jY_H19DpFW2qcrw3A 1020
unifs/cli/fs.py sha256=BGgoISqzRTyaCVgyUTiGaOtvRq-MDfHVggDHJT7MX4k 8102
unifs/cli/impl.py sha256=cFO9ckXJgHaRCiTSpONo-jva3gk0Rlv7UGiOB5dCAp4 2058
unifs/cli/main.py sha256=qZcxWxZPD_0oxUiYisbgzQZ89H58D94sXwjpDRDvQZU 1000
unifs-1.1.0.dist-info/LICENSE sha256=feOhBlv14YeeVHOlrcLHQ7B35XldwGxOxL3BX7PjZyU 1480
unifs-1.1.0.dist-info/METADATA sha256=Gj8gtcWTyNtNntEq7PJBEhNH-9PrGyy0EESnGpl1kEU 8207
unifs-1.1.0.dist-info/WHEEL sha256=2wepM1nk4DS4eFpYrW1TTqPcoGNfHhhO_i5m4cOimbo 92
unifs-1.1.0.dist-info/entry_points.txt sha256=wCgxzTUF4iRvSPmzs63TRrTWaWA3lD54X6IWj0W3Zxw 45
unifs-1.1.0.dist-info/top_level.txt sha256=50cib-9ljS8YXezDxQD1HSrpEKE7oe-gDcKtFqSHCq0 6




unifs = unifs.cli.main:cli