Reverse Dependencies of open3d
The following projects have a declared dependency on open3d:
- algrow — Image segmentation using alpha hulls, plus automated annotation and growth analysis
- ampcl — A small example package
- arcor2-calibration — ARCOR2 Calibration
- arcor2-scene — ARCOR2 Scene Service
- aruco-estimator — Aruco Scale Factor Estimation
- autoRSA — A package for RSA
- azure-kinect-apiserver — Azure Kinect APIServer
- bbox-utils — Utilities to easily convert between different bounding box formats (YOLO, XYWH, XYXY, etc.).
- blendify — Python rendering framework for Blender
- bucketed-scene-flow-eval — Bucketed Scene Flow Evaluation
- cameramodels — A python library for cameramodels
- camtools — CamTools: Camera Tools for Computer Vision.
- canoPyHydro — An Innovative Approach to Vegetative Precipitation Partitioning
- Cloud-Bunny — A Warp-Accelerated Python library for point cloud processing.
- CloudVolume-multibeam — Visualization and calculation volume of under water installation using processed multibeam data
- colabseg — Colab Seg
- colmap-wrapper — COLMAP Wrapper
- ColorTransferLib — This library provides color and tyle transfer algorithms which were published in scientific papers. Additionall a set of IQA metrics are available.
- cpas-toolbox — Toolbox to evaluate categorical pose and shape estimation
- deeptech — A library to help writing ai functions with ease.
- depth-to-mesh — Converts depth maps into triangle meshes
- depthai-sdk — This package provides an abstraction of the DepthAI API library.
- disparity-view — disparity npy file viewer
- doorpost-detector — Detect doorposts from pointclouds
- duit — Duit is a toolkit to create simple user-interfaces for python.
- embdata — Data, types, pipes, manipulation for embodied learning.
- embodied-agents — Embodied AI
- eve-SMLM — Eve-SMLM: A Python package for single molecule localization microscopy from event-based sensors
- f3rm — F3RM: Feature Fields for Robotic Manipulation
- famudy-data — <<<ENTER_DESCRIPTION>>>
- FLApy — Forest Light availability heterogeneity Analysis in Python
- geocondense — geocondense
- geomapi — A standard library to manage geomatic data
- geometric-primitives — This package helps to construct a 3D shape.
- gradslam — gradSLAM: Dense SLAM meets Automatic Differentiation
- graspnetAPI — graspnet API
- gref4hsi — A Python package for for georeferencing and orthorectifying hyperspectral imagery
- gripx — Grip is a prototyping toolbox for manipulation research.
- hello-robot-stretch-body — Stretch Body low level Python API
- hello-robot-stretch-body-dev — Stretch RE1 low level Python API
- hello-robot-stretch-body-tools — Stretch Body Tools
- hello-robot-stretch-body-tools-dev — Stretch Body Tools
- hold-splitter — クライミングウォールの平面を可視化するツール
- hpverif — Construction verification library PAE 2023
- htFuncEngineTest — 海拓算法可视化配置
- icepy4d — 4D Image-based Continuos monitoring of glaciers Evolution with low-cost stereo-cameras and Deep Learning photogrammetry.
- ifermi — Fermi surface plotting tool from DFT output
- im2mesh — Python library to create Finite Element meshes from segmented image stacks
- ivy-demo-utils — Ivy Demo Utils provides a set of utilities for creating visual demos for Ivy libraries.
- kiss-icp — Simple yet effective 3D LiDAR-Odometry registration pipeline
- kscale-onshape-library — K-Scale's library for programmatically interacting with OnShape
- labelCloud — A lightweight tool for labeling 3D bounding boxes in point clouds.
- leanai — A library to help writing ai functions with ease.
- learning3d — Learning3D: A Modern Library for Deep Learning on 3D Point Clouds Data
- lh-tool — A tool package
- lidar-aug — A toolbox for LiDAR point cloud data, providing point cloud transformations, point cloud augmentation, realistic weather simulation and 2D & 3D AP evaluation, with an easy-to-use Python API. This module supports several essential tasks for the development of LiDAR-based perception methods in automated driving.
- lightning-flash — Your PyTorch AI Factory - Flash enables you to easily configure and run complex AI recipes.
- locan — Analysis software for single-molecule localization microscopy
- lsfm-fuse — A fusion algorithm in LSFM
- LyceanEM — LyceanEM is a Python library for modelling electromagnetic propagation for sensors and communications.
- machinevision-toolbox-python — Python tools for machine vision - education and research
- maptrDH — A library for data handling with various utilities.
- markit-gateway — IMU message broker
- markit-processing — Code for post processing data
- markit-realsense-recorder — Realsense remote recorder
- markit-rs-recorder — Realsense remote recorder
- markit-tcpbroker — IMU message broker
- mbodied — Embodied AI
- mbodied-agents — Embodied AI
- MedShapeNetCore — MedShapeNetCore: A Lightweight 3D Repository for Computer Vision and Machine Learning
- mesh-processing-tools — Utility functions for mesh representation objects (like trimesh) and manipulations using 3rd party packages (CGAL, Meshlab, etc.)
- mmdet3d — OpenMMLab's next-generation platformfor general 3D object detection.
- muke — A simple approach to 3D keypoint detection using 2D estimation methods and multiview rendering.
- napari-clemreg — A plugin for registering multimodal image volumes based on common segmented structures of interest with point-clouds.
- navis — Neuron Analysis and Visualization library
- ndx-point-cloud-table — An extension for storing point clouds in an NWB file
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- neverwhere — no summary
- ntrfc — Numerical Test Rig for Cascades. A workflows-library for CFD analysis of cascade-flows
- oakutils — no summary
- onapy — Onapy is the library to for next generation of masturbation.
- onshape-urdf-exporter — Exports an OnShape assembly to a URDF file with STL meshes
- open-pcc-metric — no summary
- open3d-tools — open3d tools
- opencoodx — An opensource pytorch framework for autonomous driving cooperative detection
- opmpy — Processing tool for OPM-MEG.
- or-pcd — A python package to perform pointcloud registration with scale differences using a two-block optimization approach
- ovsegmentation — Open vocabulary detection and segmentation package
- pc-skeletor — Point Cloud Skeletonizer
- PCDViewer — A lightweight, Qt-based OpenGL viewer for visualising point cloud data.
- pcdviz — point cloud viz
- pioneer-common — Pioneer team common utilities
- pioneer-das-api — Pioneer's das api
- pitchmark — Exploring golf shot strategy.
- pointcloud-extraction — package consisting of the scripts for operating on the point cloud / photogrammetric data
- pointcloudset — Analyze large datasets of point clouds recorded over time in an efficient way
- pointersect — Plug-and-play point-cloud rendering
- polyrus — Geometric library for deep learning on 3D data structures
- porteratzolibs — Collection of utils
- PoseButcher — A tool for categorising and segmenting virtual hits with reference to experimental protein structures and (fragment) hits.